Who Was Scar Before The Scar? Scar × Athaleyah (Part 1)

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(Before Cara was born)

Let's put it this way, things, well. . . . Things didn't like to go well for Askari or better known today as Scar.

It has been quite a few years since he met her, he never really liked to admit it but. . . . He missed her, he was not doing a very good job of hiding his feelings, as his older brother always teased him for being in love and never admitting it.

He never imagined he would ever find love, but Athaleyah? Athaleyah was perfect. . . . The most beautiful and stunning lioness he had ever layed eyes upon. There was so many things Askari had wished to say to her that month, but he did not want to give it away that. . . Well, he was in love with her.

But that day changed everything!

"Brother, come quick!" Called his older and annoying brothers voice from the Pride Rock.
Askari sighed, as he got up out of his warm and comfortable den.
"Oh, what now?" He huffed, going to see what all the fuss was about.

"Guess who's back?" Mufasa asked, excitedly.
"I despise guessing games, brother, you know I do." Askari groaned as he stood beside him at the bottom of Pride Rock. Ignoring his complaint he said, "Do you recognise her, Brother?"
Nodding his head down below.

Askari sighed once again, looking around until he finally spotted her. He knew straight away that it was she who he had waited all these long years for.

"Leyah, she's back! After all these years, she's finally-" He paused once he saw his brother grinning at him.

"I mean, Hooray, she's back, is that all she called me here for?" Trying to sound like he didn't care.

"Askari, Brother, we all know you have missed her, it is very clear, even to a blind eye. You love her" Mufasa said softly.

"That. . . Is absurd! You- you don't know what you are talking about. Love- love is for children, I don't love her, I have never even thought about her over these years." Askari huffed, turning away from his brother.

Mufasa chuckled softly. "If you say so, I'm going to meet my old friend, so why don't you just do you and pretend you don't think about her every second of the day and, oh, like you don't say her name in your sleep."

Askari's jaw was hanging wide opens his older brother smirked and went on his way.

Wait, what? He never said her name in his sleep! Did he?

He thought about it, should he go and act calmly? Talk to her? Should he welcome her home? Should he just-

"A-Askari?" Came a soft and angelic voice as his eyes widened and heart stopped.

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