Kovu's Lover

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Žoona, Assal and Aslan are my own characters.

5 years ago

Kovu was walking through the Pridelands like he used to before Aslan was attacked and killed by a pack of rogue hyenas whilst on a hunt.

He hadn't been himself since that day, his best friend, the only one he could trust and he was. . . . Gone.

They were very close, however, Kovu had thought of him much more than that, he was planning on telling him how he really felt.

Now, he would never ever get that chance.

He vowed to get revenge on those nasty hyenas but his father, Scar, persuaded him not to after a lot of talking and grief. 

Nevertheless, it helped that his other best friend, Žoona, was there throughout his pain and heartache. Not to mention, his younger sister and father also tried to cheer him up.

Eventually, he learned to move on.

To this day

Kovu gracefully moves through the tall, ticking grass and came to his sister's favourite waterfall. As he bent his head to take a drink, he noticed a very familiar lion come from behind the tall trees, he had shining, honey-blonde fur and his chocolate brown eyes melted in the warm sunlight.

This lion looked just like. . . No. . . That was not possible, he was going insane. But how? He was sure he wasn't dreaming.

Kovu continued to watch him as he was really confused but mesmerized by him at the same time.

The familiar lion stopped, taking a drink from the fountain, before looking up at Kovu, blinking his eyes slowly.

"A-Aslan?" He whispered, taking a small towards him. The lion smiled before chuckling softly.

"No, Assad, I'm Aslan's twin brother." Assad spoke gently, also taking a step toward Kovu.

"I've never seen you before, where-where did you come from?"

"I don't mean to trespass, but I came in search for Aslan, he ran away from home 6 years ago and, well, I've been looking ever since."

Wait, he-he didn't know?!

"You-you don't know, he-he died 5 years ago, he was attacked, I-I'm so so sorry." Kovu felt a tear run down his face, thinking of that very day.

However, he didn't react like Kovu expected him to, Assad sighed, smiling sadly.

"I guessed he would be, it has been two long, I just didn't want to stop looking until I knew he was safe and now I know he's at peace, it makes me feel peace as well." He said quietly, he turned, about to walk away.

"Wait!" Kovu called after him, running after Assad, Assad turned his head looking into Kovu's hazel green eyes.

"Do you have anywhere to go, you can stay with us tonight if you want, I'm sure my father wouldn't mind." Kovu said to him.

"It's fine, I'm staying with a friend tonight, but maybe I can see you tomorrow, I never asked your name by the way." His voice stayed calm and gentle.

"My name is Kovu, it was lovely to meet you. Also I would happily meet you tomorrow, same place?"

Assad chuckled, nodding.
"Same place, for sure."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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