~Chapter Four~

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"But there is one rule you must not break. If you do, I will not hesitate to have you removed from the premises.


Dating is strictly not allowed."

CEO Park's words ring like an annoying alarm clock in Hongjoong's mind. Why did he have to say that? He questioned as he shook his head to rid himself of the thought. He pulled his suitcase along as he climbed up the few marble stairs that led up to the massive dark oak double doors. His neck strained as he looked up at the good embroidery on the door, 'House of Park Seonghwa'.

Hongjoong took a big gulp and let out a shaky breath. He reached his fisted hand up and knocked gently on the door. He waited with no response. This time he rang the doorbell. There was no noise on his end until he heard the slight sound of shuffling and heavy footsteps walk towards the door.

The door opened and revealed a neatly dressed, very tall man. He's dressed in a white blouse, sleeves rolled up to the elbow, and long black fitted trousers and shiny black shoes. "Ah, you must be Kim Hongjoong." The man said with a smile. He stepped aside, his arm out gesturing for Hongjoong to enter. "Please, come in."

Hongjoong bowed politely and stepped into the building. The man shut the door behind him and stretched out his hand. "Rowoon. I'm the head butler of this estate." Hongjoong smiled warmly and shook his hand with a slight head bow.

"You must be a very interesting person for Mr Park to take such an interest in helping you."

"Um, yes. You could say that."

"Please, allow me to show you to your quarters." Rowoon strode down the hallway of the foyer that was almost twice the size of the one in the CEO's house- if that was even possible. Hongjoong found himself staring in awe as they climbed the grand staircase onto the second floor. Hongjoong was so lost in thought he almost missed what Rowoon had said. "It is important to understand that even though you are a special guest of the CEO Park, there are still rules you need to follow."  Rowoon began with a soft smile.

"You are to not enter any unauthorised rooms alone or without special permission and you are to not disclose any information Mr Park or his company."

Hongjoong couldn't help but think that the more rules that were laid out, the harsher they became. He just wished that this job still allowed him his freedom.

Rowoon stopped in front of a singular dark oak door on the side of the hallway. Above the door embroidered in gold, read, Kim Hongjoong. He wondered when they had prepared this. Rowoon reached for the golden door knob and swung the door open. He stepped aside and allowed Hongjoong to walk. "This is your room. A complete suit with a bathroom, walk-in closet, mini bar, and balcony."

All this just for me? When would I even need a mini bar all to myself? Hongjoong thought. He left his suitcase on the bed and turned to thank Rowoon with a slight bow.

"Then if you are ready, you must attend a meeting with Mr Park to discuss your contract."

Hongjoong nodded and followed Rowoon down the hallway, and back down the grand staircase. They walked past the biggest living room Hongjoong had ever seen in his life, and took a turn at the hallway where at the end, sat a large pair of doors. Rowoon knocked on the door and waited for a response. A muffled 'Come in' was heard from the other side.

Rowoon entered the room, Hongjoong following close behind. The room was large and spacious, no surprise there. The room was lined with dark oak bookshelves and in the center was a large desk. But it was who sat at the desk that caught Hongjoong's attention.

The man from the park last night. He sat in the armchair at the desk, book in hand and glasses resting on his nose bridge. How did I not recognise him before? Park Seonghwa, he's the most notorious man for always getting into scandals everywhere he goes.

Seonghwa removed his glasses and set them on the table with the book he was reading. He stood up and for the first time, Hongjoong took a good look at him. His jet black hair fell softly onto his forehead and he was dressed in a soft light blue sweater. Was this really the same man he encountered last night? He smiled warmly and gestured to the seat in front of him.

"Mr Kim. Please take a seat." His tone was light and held something like innocence and softness. Hongjoong did as he was told and shyly folded his legs. Rowoon left the room, shutting the door behind him. Seonghwa immediately cleared his throat and hooded his legs as he promoted his chin on his intertwined knuckles.

"Look kid. I don't know what my father told you about me taking interest in you, but you can cut the bullshit. I'm not here to sit and chat with you as your friend. As long as I don't have to deal with your shit and you stay out of my way, we won't have any problems." He untangled his legs and reached over to his drawer in the desk. He pulled out a file of papers and slid them across to Hongjoong. "This is the contract my father made for you. It lasts one year. It just explains disclosure of any personal information about myself or the company. And if you breach this contract.." Seonghwa said as he held up the paper in his hands on its side, almost as if he were to tear it, he then continued, "You can kiss your sweet college life bye-bye." he said with a mocking smile.

Hongjoong stared wide eyed at the contract. He'll actually be able to go to college and live the life he's always wanted to. He took the pen in his hand and signed at the bottom of the page. This was the start of a new chance for him.

Stolen Love | SeongjoongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora