the seating plan

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*general introduction to your character's life*

you're y/n Harrington, Steve Harrington's younger sibling, he is one year older than you. in high school you never really hung out with your brother at school because quite frankly, he was a douchebag, but you were thrown into the mix of everything that happened in Hawkins especially because you worked at the ice cream store with Robin and Steve and now the movie store with them. you and Steve get along pretty well after that, you noticed he had changed a lot, for the better too and you've really bonded lately over all things you guys experienced. Robin is one of your best friends along with Nancy and Jonathan and now Steve as well. you used to babysit Dustin when his mum was out so you have a pretty solid relationship with Dustin. and now because he's friends with steve he's around a lot and you see him like a little brother.


Hawkins was never much of a normal town, quite the opposite especially from what you've seen. the 'mysterious' deaths, the cover-ups, it was all insane and you were right in the middle of it. at least you had your brother to help you come to terms with. you're used to it now.

"Hey y/n" a voice called from the bottom of the stairs, breaking you from your thoughts. "are you ready, we're going to pick up Robin to take her to school as well" you scramble up off your bed tripping over some books and research papers you have scattered on the floor to reach the door. "nearly, let me quickly put on my shoes." you lean over and grab your bag and the closest shoes and put them on.

you and Robin are best friends at school and outside of school and you dont mind sharing her friendship with Steve, seeing as the three of you work together, you and steve hop in the car and drive to Robin's house and on the way Steve is going on and on about his love life and you can never keep up. once you arrive you hop in the back so Robin can sit in the front, when she does get in the car you notice her looking rather.. unready to put it nicely, which is the case considering she starts applying her mascara in the over head mirror and only has on half her band uniform.

Steve doesnt notice and keeps rambling on about his extremely confusing relationships. "who is he talking about this time?" Robin asks, "um it's either Heidi or Linda or some other name ending in a vowel, i'll be honest I cannot keep up" you two share a light chuckle at your response but this was cut short when Steve's voice interrupts the laughter, "were you two even listening??", "of course we were.", "what did i say? what did I say?" he asks sceptical. Robin chimes in "something about sex, with, with Linda." she says proudly looking at you with an assuring expression, you smile back with your thumbs up. "no!! I'm talking about heidi!" "oh cut us some slack please." Robin says.

that conversation quickly dies off as Steve brings up Vicky, a girl in the band who Robin is completely obsessed with, the pining is dreadful but understandable. you come back into the conversation because of an absurd upbeat statement from Steve "people who like boobies!!", Robin immediately protests and exclaims "eww, gross. Dont. Say. Boobies" "whats the big deal, i like boobies, you like boobies. Vicky likes boobies, definitely.. its boobies." you're sitting in the back cracking up at her reaction to Steve's outburst, "to be fair i have to agree with Steve about Vicky, plus if you ask her out, it would put an end to the constant pining." you say playfully.

the conversation continues on back and forth until you guys reach the school where Steve drops you two off and drives away. while you guys walk off towards the gym, Robin puts her arm on your shoulder, "so what about you, you never talk about your love life." "that's because it non-existent." you say back smartly knowing its a good way to avoid the topic. she rolls her eyes "ugh, thats what you always say." "thats because its always true." you both laugh.

you've reached the gym and you both part ways as Robin goes to go set up for the band performance and you go to sit on the stairs with the rest of the school. at school you dont have the many friends but when you don't have Robin to sit with, you have Dustin and his friends Mike and Max, you worry about Max, she's had it a lot worse than the rest of us but she wont talk to anyone about it. the sound of the band's percussion breaks you from your thoughts and you pay attention to the assembly before you, wishing it was over.

soon enough your prayers are answered and you guys are all dismissed to your first class, you have, maths. "ugh man, maths?!? i hate math." you mutter as you look at your time table while walking to your class, debating whether to ditch it but decide against it. you walk in and sit down at an empty two seater desk at the back of the class hoping that you wont have to sit next to anyone but low and behold, Eddie Munson, the school "freak", although you never really thought he was despite what everyone said about him. the tall, long dark brown haired man walked into the classroom, he really was a man, he had been held back twice. he stopped and scanned for an empty seat and started walking over, he stopped and towered over the front of the desk looking down at you. "may I?" he asks pointing at the empty chair next to me. "uh yea sure." you say looking up while shooting an insincere smile towards him, he returns one as his big brown eyes stare back into yours before he takes a seat. the teacher walks in and greets us " uh im glad you all have found a seat, this will be the permanent seating plan for the year. "great" you think to yourself "just great".

word count : 1055

i hope you guys enjoy this story i know it was a long build up to the meeting and I'm sorry but i just wanted to give a little depth and insight, feel free to leave any comment or thoughts so far. have a good day 😊

 falling for the freak ~ Eddie Munson x y/n HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now