the theories

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"Jason! what are you doing?!" you shout as you hastily walk back to the booth, pushing past Jason's friends. "im getting answers out of this 'freak', i want to know why Chrissy was at his trailer,", he turns to look at Eddie. "what did you do to her? huh!" he orders aggressively. "nothing! look man i already told you, she was there to buy drugs-" Eddie pleads calmly. "BULLSHIT!" Jason yells, he grabs Eddie by his shirt with both hands. "JASON! what the actual fuck, get off him!" you yell, pulling him off Eddie. he stumbles back. "y/n, why are you standing up for this freak. do you know what he did?", "do you?" Jason goes quiet, "look, for whatever reason Chrissy was at Eddie trailer. Eddie wasn't. so back off.", "yea and how would you know this?", "because i was with him last night.", jason scoffs. "what happened to you y/n. you used to be cool, now you're hanging out with this freak, he's rubbing off on you.", you roll your eyes, "just shut up Jason, you're a poor excuse for a man." the waitress rings the bell and calls out your name for the order. "come on Eddie, lets go, you grab your keys off the table and Eddie gets up and walks with you to the counter. "im so sorry about that." you say sincerely to the waitress at the counter, you tip, grab your food and go back to the car. "are you alright Eddie, i'm so sorry about him, he's a di-" Eddie cuts you off, "its fine, you handled him perfectly, thank you. and thank you for the food as well." you guys smile at each other. "oh, you're welcome... so much for laying low, hey." you both laugh, "alright, i think its time we go home, yea?" Eddie nods in agreement while taking a bite out of his burger.

you guys drive for a while until you reach the house again. as you're about to get out of the car you exclaim "oh no, i was so caught up in the whole Jason mess, i forgot to get Steve some food.", "do you want to go back?" Eddie asks. "god no, i do not want to see Jason's face again. once is already too much." Eddie laughs "fair enough.", "ill just give him my chips and he can go out later or something." you two continue chatting until you get home. "hey steve!" you shout out as you walk inside, "i've got some food!" you and Eddie sit down in the living room and you begin eating. "hmm im just going to go take the chips to Steve, ill be back in a second.". as you're walking past the kitchen you see a piece of paper on the kitchen table. you walk in and grab it.

"Hey Y/n and Steve,

I had to leave a day earlier for my business trip. i will return home in 8 - 14 days. stay safe and please keep the house tidy.

Love, your mother."

"i didnt even get to say goodbye." you mutter under your breath as you place the page back down on the counter and walk towards Steve's room. you knock on his door but there's no response. you open the door and he's not there. "hmm thats weird." you shrug it off and walk back to the couch. "he's not even home." you say to Eddie. you guys sit in the living room to watch the movie and finish your meals.

about an hour into the film the front door is opened and in walks Steve, Dustin and Max. they're frantically talking over each other as they discuss their plan to break into the school. "wow what the hell are you guys on about?" you butt in. "another student died, fred." Steve replies. "yea he was on the school paper thing with Nancy." Dustin adds. "and he died, just like how Chrissy did." Max says. Eddie winces at the mention of Chrissy's name. "oh my god. when did this happen? is Nancy okay? why is this-? who's doing this? WHERE'S NANCY?!! WHERE'S ROBIN??!" you ask frantically and rapidly. Steve puts his hands up mercifully "wow. calm down y/n. they're both fine, they went to the library, Nancy has a theory on whats going on but she didn't really tell us much." Eddie butts in, "so why are you guys breaking into the school?", "we also have a theory." Max says looking at you both. "we'll explain in the car" Dustin says.

all of you get in the car, Steve driving, Max in front, you in the back middle, Eddie and Dustin either side of you. you notice that ever since Max mentioned Chrissy, Eddie had been a bit worked up. he's sitting, staring out the window, rapidly bouncing his leg up and down. while the other three are chatting and planning you slowly reach your hand over and place it on his knee. "hey, whats up, you okay?" you ask whispering. this breaks him from his daze and he replies, "hmm? oh nothing." he turns giving you a half-hearted smile as he places his hand on yours, when his bulky, cold, metal rings make contact with your skin, this sends shivers down your spine. he gently flips your hand over and intertwines his fingers with yours. "i'm okay." he whispers to you as his smile spreads ear to ear. you feel your cheeks turn hot and you quickly look away from him, hand still resting in his.

word count: 929

sorry it took so long to write a new part, ive been completely swamped with school work and now i have covid so... well sorry this is a bit of a shorter part, but since Eddie isnt hiding at reefer ricks ive had to change the story line a bit. i hope you guys are enjoying and ill try to be a bit more regularly but its assessment time so i cant guarantee. :)

 falling for the freak ~ Eddie Munson x y/n HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now