am i in trouble?

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while Eddie is finishing cleaning up the room after the game, he finds a bag, your bag. when he's done, he grabs the bag and hops in the car on the way to your house, you've only not long gotten home and you decide to sit down in the lounge room and watch a movie you hired from work 'the shining', you maybe get 20 minutes in when you heard a knock at the door, which scared the absolute hell out of you, you paused the film and answered the door, to your surprise, it was Eddie. "uh hey y/n, sorry for showing up so late, you forgot your bag at school and i know how much you listening to music on your Walkman so i thought I'd bring it by as soon as possible." you're taken aback at how Eddie noticed such a little detail and you couldnt help but smile as you thank him for this act of chivalry. "thank you Eddie, i really appreciate it."

you two stood there for a second and you randomly decided to tell him that you were watching 'the shining' "why would you watch a horror movie this late at night?", "why not, it's exciting.", "would you like to come in and watch it?" your heart stopped at the thought of Eddie rejecting your offer but you stuck with it and to your surprise, he agreed. you moved to the side and welcomed him in, closing the door behind him. you walk towards the kitchen, "did you want anything to drink, i"m going to make some popcorn." he follows you into the kitchen as you guys continue the conversation "i'll just have some water please." he says smiling at you, as you grab him a glass down from the cupboard, he brings up the game again, "so how long have you been playing dungeons and dragons?", "a little while but not very often, i used to babysit Dustin when his mum was out of town or working late and him and his friends would get me to play with them.", "I've got to say, i did not expect that you of all people play dungeons and dragons.", "what is that supposed to mean?", "well i just thought you were too cool for that sort of thing.", "you think im cool? huh." you say grinning at him, he smirks while looking at your smile and responds, "well you play D&D, how could you not be." you both laugh and on cue, the popcorn is done. you put it in a big bowl and go sit down in front of the television.

about one and a half hours go by and you've fallen asleep but you're woken by Eddie jumping at one of the jump scares, you open your eyes and over look at him to see him curled up hugging a couch cushion, well more hiding behind it. this makes you laugh causing him to look at you, you compose yourself enough to articulate a sentence, "you are such a wimp!" you say, still laughing, "no I'm not, the movie is designed to make me scared, it's just, working." this makes you laugh more, "you are such a dork." you manage to stay awake for the remainder of the movie, to be fair, it was a pretty scary movie, but you'd never admit that to Eddie.

by the time the movie is done its past midnight and you both are very tired and a little on edge. "hey Eddie it's really late so you're more than welcome to crash here tonight.", "are you sure, i dont want to impose.", "no honestly it's all good." you smile at him and he returns one, "you can sleep in my room i'll sleep on the couch so if someone comes out they dont think you're an intruder." you both laugh and he agrees, you show him to your room. "well good night and if you need anything i'll be on the lounge.", "okay, cool thank you y/n." he smiles down at you and holds his gaze on your eyes until you break it to turn to go back to the couch.


in the early morning you're woken by a knock on the door, you see that it's daylight so you dont suspect anything unusual, you get up and open the door. "hello ms Harrington, is that Eddie Munsons vehicle outside?" said one of the two officers at the door. "uh, yes it is, why?", "is Mr Munson on the premises now?", "yea he's asleep." "we need to speak to him." you're confused but you oblige, you go to your room to get Eddie, you knock on the door and open it, "Eddie, Eddie can you please wake up." you say in a soft voice while gently shaking him awake, he groans and opens his eyes to see fearful ones looking back at him, "what's wrong, are you okay?" he sits up and gently places his hand on yours. "there's police outside wanting to talk to you.", "oh shit."

you both walk out to the door, you quickly ask "can we take this outside, my mum and brother are asleep and i dont want to wake them up." you all go to the front and stand by the officer's cars as they each talk to one of us. you're speaking with officer Callahan, "where were you last night Ms Harrington?", "um well after school i came home, then at about 6:30pm i left and when back to school for a school club thing with Eddie and then i came home, i had left my bag there, Eddie brought it back shortly after and then we watched a movie and then he stayed the night because it was late, sorry am i in trouble?", "as far as i know you aren't in trouble but can you verify that Eddie was at your house all night?", "yes i mean in between coming back from the school club and home i wasn't with him but the time between me getting home and him getting to my house was a very short about of time but after that he was with me the whole time.", "okay thank you ms Harrington for your cooperation." Callahan walked over to his partner and Eddie was instructed to come over to where you were standing, he had a terrified look on his face, he mouth was draped open and he eyes were wide with disbelief. "what's happening, are you okay??" you gently grab his shoulders and look up at him, his eyes meeting yours before speaking, "Chrissy Cunningham was found dead in my trailer this morning."

you put your hand over your mouth in complete disbelief "what?". the two officers come back over, "okay, neither of you are allowed to leave Hawkins until further notice, Mr Munson you are not allowed to go back to your trailer as its now a crime scene, we may need you to come down to the station later but for now you're free to go." you're both stood there absolutely stunned by the news. after a while you break the silence, "we should go back inside." Eddie is still stunned, stuck in thought, you grab his hand in yours and this breaks him out of his thoughts and you both walk back inside, as you enter the door, Steve's in the hallway and catches you two, hand in hand, but is more concerned by the frightening look on your faces.

word count: 1256

i went with the first option because i felt like there would be more opportunities for Eddie and y/n to have interactions with the idea i had but maybe later down the track I'll do a story with the other story :)

 falling for the freak ~ Eddie Munson x y/n HarringtonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat