the diner

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you're on the opposite side of the store putting away the romance films. you glance over at eddie who's still stacking movies and without noticing, a smile appears across your face as you observe how the front pieces of hair frame his face so effortlessly and perfectly when he looks back up to place a tape on the shelf, the way the tattoo of bats on his forearm move when he bends his arm making them look like they're flying from that distance, how his lips move subconsciously when he reads the blurb on the back of the covers.

you snap out of your daze when Robin comes up behind you, "whatcha looking at.", you jump, "what, nothing.", "hmm sure.. so much for a non-existent love life then?" she snickers, you elbow her playfully in the side. "oh go away, im just.. looking." you turn back to look at him, then quickly look back at Robin. "im just worried about him is all, i want to make sure he's okay.", two customers walk into the store making the bell ring. "ah look, customers, now go away." you push her away and she dramatically pretends to stumbles at your force, making you and her both laugh. you watch her as she walks back over behind the counter, you shake your head and roll your eyes, thinking about her nonsense before returning to your stacking.

a little while later Eddie walks over, "hey." you look up to see him smiling at you. "hey, whats up?", "oh nothing, these movies are just all for this section now.", "oh okay well i can put them away for you.", "no it's all good, I'll join you over here.", "alright." you smile and move over, making room for him and continue working. "oh by the way if you get hungry just go and grab something from somewhere, i can give you some money if you need it.", "oh okay thank you, I'll make sure to work off my debt.", "i think you already have, don't worry." you turn to smile at him. you walk around to the other side of the shelf, "hey i was thinking, we should drop in at the station and ask if you could get some clothes and belongings from your trailer so you have some other stuff.", "yea that would be great, I've been wearing these clothes for too long." you both laugh. "okay we'll head over when we're done here." Eddie smiles at you over the shelf, even when you look back down, you can feel his gaze linger on you.

"oh my god! Summer of '42, i love this movie." Eddie exclaims. you laugh "sorry, you? you like Summer of '42, the 1971 romance movie?", "yea, whats wrong with it, i think its a good film.", "no it is a good film, im just amazed that someone like you have seen it, let alone, enjoyed it." you say bewildered, "guess there's more to me than you thought." Eddie says smugly. "well we can watch it tonight if you'd like.", "uh yes!", "alright pass it here." you reach your hand over the shelf to grab it from Eddie, he brings it to the palm of your hand and your fingers meet his cold, rough fingertips, sending chills down you spine as you pull the vhs tape out of his hand. you turn around and walk over to the counter to check out the film.

"hey smiley, whatcha got there?" Robin asks as you walk over, "Summer of '42" you reply. "that's a romance movie you know.", "I'm aware, Eddie suggested it.", "Eddie? that Eddie?" she asked pointing over at the man standing tall with messy curly hair, wearing a leather jacket, denim vest, ripped jeans, chunky rings and chains. "yep. i couldn't believe it either."

soon later, your shift is over, "you ready Eddie?", "yep im coming." Eddie yells out as he comes literally running over, jumping over the milk crate on the ground. "you have too much energy." you say laughing, "i just like to have fun." he says smirking at you. "hey, Robin do you need a ride home?", "nah, my dad is supposed to pick me up, thank you though.", "alright just stay safe, its getting late." she flicks you a smile and you and Eddie leave and head to the car. you guys start driving towards the station, "oh no! i forgot to grab the film of the counter." you exclaim in a disappointed tone, "don't worry." Eddie stretches over in his seat and reaches into his vest's pocket and pulls out the tape, "i got it." he smirks at you while adjusting back in his seat, you smile back. you guys arrive at the station and you pull into a parking spot, "you can stay here if you like, I'll only be a minute.", "alright." you reply and Eddie steps out of the car and walks towards the building. a few minutes later he comes back out and opens the door which startles you as you were in a daydream, "sorry I didn't mean to scare you.", "no it's fine." you smile, "well we can't go to my trailer for anything, its still an active crime scene so i can't "tamper" with anything.", "oh, well that sucks. well all the shops will be starting to close now, but i do have some of my dads old clothes, i think it'll fit you, may not be your style but it'll do the trick.", "alright, i mean it'll have to do." Eddie replies with a half smile and it goes quite. "do you want to get something to eat?" you ask to fill the silence, and to hopefully satisfy the hunger in your stomach. "yes, food would be great." Eddie says smiling.

you guys drive for a little while and you pull into a popular diner in the area. you guys walk in and sit down in a booth and begin looking at the menu and chatting. "oooo the chicken and cheese burger looks good, i think I'll get that. oh and get whatever you want, my shout.", "um I'll get the same, it really does look good.", "alright I'll go up and order at the counter." you get up and start talking to the young lady at the counter and order the meals for you both. suddenly you hear angry chatter behind you and glance over to see what's going on and you see Eddie and Jason, and Jason does not look happy. you turn back to the server, "uh can i get those to go please." she nods and you walk back to the table.

word count: 1111

another part for you guys, i really hope you guys are enjoying so far :)

have a fantastic day/night and stay safe.

 falling for the freak ~ Eddie Munson x y/n HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now