Chapter 3

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I listened to Jack check in with his vault hunters and curse out zarpedon. She was apparently the colonel in charge and the one who wanted to kill has many people as possible.

Until the vault hunters could locate the jamming signal messing with Helios. Jack and I were stuck in the closet with no way out.

It was driving me crazy though. I tried getting on my echo but it was practically useless. I could still faintly hear gunshots hear and there and I just wanted to burst from the room.

"Listen Jack I can't just keep sitting here, I'm on pins and needles right now." I explained.

"The vault hunters are almost done with the signal, I promise. Then we can head down to Concordia and it'll be safe. Look huxter is even up there we'll see a familiar face." He reassured.

"Don't know who huxter is but it'll be nice to be out of a closet."

"He used to be Hyperion. Retired and now controls a small spaceport on elpis." Jack explained.

I nodded and stared down at my feet. I felt restless and our escape plan didn't help. We were going to make a dash for the nearest fast travel and go straight to Concordia.

I'd most likely make it fine but Jack with no shield was less likely to make the dash without a bullet in his skull.

He placed a hand on my shoulder catching my attention. "Jamming signals down, huxters a traitor. Are you ready?" He asked bitting his lip nervously.

"Yeah I think I am, let's just be careful." I demanded standing slowly. My legs felt like jello after sitting for so long. Me and Jack we chest to chest now that we both were standing.

He cracked the door opened and peaked out before stepping out himself. I followed slowly clenching my screwdriver.

Jack took the lead quickly hurrying forward. He held his arm out to stop me from going.

"Okay the fast travel is in the middle of this room. We'll be completely open so when I say go I mean go."  He directed.

I nodded and sucked in a breath. A moment later jack hissed go and bolted forward. I was close behind sprinting through the open room.

A second later I heard soldiers yelling and gunshots following that. I kept my eyes on jack and  made my way to the machine. We were almost there when I saw Jack stumble. I instantly stopped and turned to him.

He had caught a bullet in the calf. I wrapped my arm under his and lifted him and basically dragging him the rest of the way. He was quick to type the code in and I clenched my eyes shut as the world around us faded into a foggy mess.

Before I knew it both of us stood in a somewhat bustling spaceport. I held jack up and looked at him anxiously.

He turned to me and grinned. "Can you believe that a week ago you didn't even know my name."

"Your a dumbass." I insulted harshly.

I glanced around and instantly started dragging jack toward a medic in the port.

A sweet older woman with broken English stabbed jack with a red syringe and I watched the wound heal around itself only leaving a scar.

After that we stood in the spaceport waiting for his vault hunters. When they did arrive there was quite a few of them. One with a shield, another with some drones, one even looked like a copy of jack.

Jack introduced all of you and then instantly started his plan to get into huxters office. It involved blackmailing him with a tape the vault hunters had gotten.

Then you all went up the elevator, got through security and stood in huxters office.

"Why the hell would you work for zarpedon!?" Jack demanded.

"I didn't wanna work for her Jackie! I swear listen it was an honest mistake." He blubbered quickly.

I watched jack turn around with a sigh and run his hand through his hair. I walked over to him and was about to try and calm him down.

A bang quickly rung out and a sharp pain struck my shoulder. I quickly glanced between huxter and my shield, it was depleted from the fight with security.

Jack instantly whipped his gun out and huxter started begging for mercy.

"Wait jack I didn't mean it! I surrender!"

"I was gonna let you live you stupid asshole!" Jack growled shooting huxter in between the eyes three times.

His gun fell to the side and he ran his free hand through his hair again. I clutched my shoulder grimacing at the pain.

"Alright let's build a robot army, you guys go talk to springs, she'll have what we need." Jack commanded the vault hunters.

They instantly left the room and jack came over. "I thought we had a promise you wouldn't get shot."

I laughed. "I've never been good at keeping promises."

"I can see that." He commented pulling my hand away from my wound.  He cringed.

"Is it bad?" I asked quickly.

"Definitely not great..." he answered honestly.

I peaked at my shoulder and made a face. My shoulder looked like a mess of blood with a deep dark hole in the middle of all the blood.

"At least I'll have a pretty cool scar." I said trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Jack chuckled. "Yeah that's the bright side I guess."

I walked over and sat on the desk. "Are you okay?"

He turned to me and made a face. "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

"You just killed an old coworker." I pointed out.

He placed his hand on the back of his neck. "Yeah I mean...I'm not heartbroken, sucks I had to shoot him but he shot you."

I nodded and we were both silent.

"This might sound bad but after he betrayed me, I felt so good shooting him in his stupid face. It was so nice to see his blood splatter into his stupid desk." He admitted.

My eyes widened. "Did you....enjoy it?" I asked softly.

He turned to me slowly.

"God yes."

Annoying prick. {rewritten}Where stories live. Discover now