Chapter 5

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I inched down different always peaking in rooms and trying to find any sign of life. Of course I didn't have much luck.

The closest thing I found to life was a guy on the floor who had a gaping hole in his chest but was somehow still gasping for air.

As I approached him I recognized him a little better as a guy I had gone to college with. He now worked as a Hyperion sales man and thought he was a big shot because of that.

I stared at him gasping on the ground. He couldn't form any words just choked grunts. I wanted to put him out of his misery. I reached for my gun but hesitated. Would a gun shot reveal my location? Or would they just think it's another solider.

I kneeled down and placed the barrel of my pistol against his forehead and his face changed into panic he started to choke more frantically. I was about to pull the trigger when he went limp. I sighed and stood back up.

I turned around to see a guy staring nervously. He was drenched in blood and looked like he couldn't be older than 19.

"D-did you just kill him?" The kid squeaked.

"No I didn't kill him. He died probably from exhaustion or blood loss or both." I replied.

He nodded slowly before looking up. "Are you going to kill me?" He faltered.

I raised a brow. "What- no...I'm Hyperion. I'm here to help."

The kids body language instantly relaxed. "Oh thank god." He breathed.

I walked over to him examining the smaller guys bloodied body. "Are you hurt?"

He nodded and motioned to his right arm. It hung at his side limply and was drenched in the most blood. I cringed at the sight and sucked in a breath.

"What happened?" I questioned gently.

"Uh...soldiers and a metal compactor is the short answer." He nervously responded.

"Alright what's your name, I'll get you fixed up no worries." I reassured starting to search the office we were in.

"Uh Rhys. I just started with Hyperion a week ago."

I nodded. "Other than this whole ordeal are you liking Helios so far." I questioned trying to distract him from the current situation.

"It's huge, I've gotten lost like three times. I'm starting to adjust though." He chimed.

I pulled a first aid kit out of a cabinet and walked over to the kid. We both sat on the ground and I kept asking him questions while I went through the motions of disinfecting, stitching and wrapping his arm up.

He took a deep breath in. "Thank you." He told me with a smile.

I nodded. "Of course..listen after all this is over if you need anything just come to the code department and I'll take care of you."

His eyes widened at my offer but he nodded. "Of course, maybe one day I'll be able to give you a better thank you."

Before I could respond my echo crackled. "Y/n? Hey I need you back at the office, we're about to end all of this right here right now."  Jacks voice called out.

I glanced between my echo and Rhys. "Do you have a weapon?" I asked.

He nodded and pulled out a small stun baton.

"Alright make me a promise, promise me you'll stay in this office where it's safe until all of Helios is safe." I requested.

"I will." He promised.

I stepped away from Rhys and out into the hall. I shut the door tight and turned to make my way back to the office.

When I got up to the main lobby jack was already waiting for me at the fast travel. I gave a small wave and jack frowned.

"Your hands are covered in blood." He pointed out.

I shrugged. "Yeah I patched up a kid I found, his arm was just absolutely mangled."

"I'm just glad it's not your blood, you are completely reckless you know that right?" He criticized starting to type on the fast travel.

I burst out laughing and he looked at me in shock. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just your more reckless than me!"

Jack still looked at me starstruck not saying a word and I started to get concerned. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to upset you." I apologized.

"No no...I just- I've never heard you laugh before." He told me with a sheepish smile.

I placed a hand on my neck. "Yeah I don't do it often..."

"You should." He said before activating the fast travel.

Before I knew it we were in a new place. It looked like an elevator. Jack stepped forward and pressed a button and we shifted upwards.

When the elevator stopped it revealed an open area with the vault hunters and zarpedon. Zarpedon was on the floor and jack stormed toward her.

I went to follow him but the jack doppelgänger held me back. "You don't want to be involved with this." He muttered.

I watched jack and zarpedon fight from afar and then jacks wrist raised and just like that he shot her. He walked toward us running a hand through his messy hair.

"Alright that's that issue dealt with. Let's go shut down this eye and find a vault." He chimed.

After he briefed the vault hunters on where to go he led me somewhere else. We we up in a glass viewing room. It looked over the eye of Helios and was a gorgeous view.

"I've never been to this part of Helios before." I confessed standing next to the window.

"It's pretty fucking cool, right?"

I glanced at jack and he was grinning proudly. I smiled back at him. "Yeah it is."

Before I could say anything else the vault hunters entered the room. One holding a shield stepped forward.

"Moxxi said the rest is up to you, just press the manual override button." She informed jack with a stoic look.

"That sounds like a plan. Oh man am I ready for this to be over with." Jack replied walking toward the console.

He pressed the button and a large countdown appeared on the window. 

Right as it was about to hit one a large x showed up instead. "Shut down aborted wrong energy configuration."

"Aw what the hell now."  Jack muttered.

Before anyone could say something his echo crackled. A deep male voice came through. "I'm sorry jack."

A red flashing panic sign replaced the x and the room began to shake. "Jack!?" I shouted anxiously as hell paced and yelled at his echo.

As the room began to shake even more I ran forward to pull jack away from the window. The second I grabbed his arm we both flew backwards.

And before I knew it I was on the floor.

Annoying prick. {rewritten}Where stories live. Discover now