Chapter 10

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I stepped back into the main office and instantly felt eyes on me.

"What's the ceo like in person?" Someone asked quickly, Not even giving me a moment to breath.

I sighed and shot a look at the young man. "You really wanna know what he's like?"

The man nodded slowly.

"He's like a venomous snake, and you would be like prey to him with your tiny high pitch whiny voice." I spat coldly.

He made a startled face and instantly turned his face back to the screen.

"Anyone else have a dumb question?" I called out. I was back to work for not even a minute and my mood was already being ruined.

I stepped into my office and sat down digging around in a drawer for my pack of cigarettes. We weren't supposed to smoke In the offices but I did it anyways. An employee tried to get me to stop once back when I first took charge and I blew a hole in her head.

Almost dying changed my perspective, lives around me seem meaningless and it made me realize that I wanted to be in charge and make others feel meaningless.

As I placed the lit cigarette between my lips I remembered the turret project jack wanted before he got distracted talking to me.

I checked my computer and saw I had the blueprints sent to me, I gazed at the project trying to think of how to divide it's aspects among my team.

As the day went on I had two more projects dropped on my work load, one being a gun and the other being a loader bot. R&D completely wanted the code rewritten for the robot and I didn't even know where to begin so I decided I would look at that mess tomorrow with a clear head.

I slipped my sweatshirt on over my work shirt and turned off my computer before heading toward the door. When I stepped outside I could see a few others leaving or preparing to.

I saw Rhys standing at the elevator almost bouncing up and down. I walked toward him and gave him a smile.

"What's got you so hyped up?" I asked pressing a button and the elevator doors sliding open.

"You are all over the echo net." He grinned following excitedly.

"I'm what-" I froze spinning to look down at him.

He instantly pulled out his echo and started tapping the screen then he flipped it to me showing off a trashy tabloid magazine.

I stared blankly at the picture of me and Jack walking side by side earlier today. The words 'who's handsome jacks hottie?' Plastered the top in white bold letters.

I cringed and sinked against the wall of the elevator. "Of fucking course."

"What we're you doing with the ceo?" Rhys instantly asked.

"We used to be- we were just talking- leave it to media to spin a story out of nothing." I complained.

The elevator came to a stop and I stepped out with Rhys trailing beside me. I felt eyes on me as i fast walked to the gym.

"I'm sure nobodies even read it, and even if they have is it really that bad?" Rhys asked still chipper and hyperactive.

I bit my tounge and held a sigh in. "It is bad. I just want to stay below the radar right now, once everyone knows I'm buddies with the man in charge they'll start wanting shit."

Rhy smirked. "Or they'll leave you alone, handsome jack hasn't been in office long and he already has a huge reputation, personally if I knew someone was close to the short temper ceo I'd do my best to avoid them."

I glanced at him and let out a thoughtful hum. "Maybe your right. I'm just overthinking it." I sighed as I approached the doors to the gym.

"You are, I mean you know the one and only handsome jack!" Rhys practically squealed.

I shook my head and stepped into the gym watching Rhys continue on his way, when he was gone from my line of sight I continued on deeper into the gym. I changed into some more work out appropriate clothes and went to the punching bags. Ever since helios was invaded learning to fight was my biggest priority. I worked on form, strength but most importantly aim. If I had to fist fight somebody, I had decided I was going to win.

Shortly after beating the crap out of the punching bag and my hands I grabbed my clothes from the locker room and trudged to my apartment. I grabbed a quick shower and threw together a sandwich before sulking down into my couch cushions. I tossed my echo to the side of the couch and leaned my head back with a defeated huff.

Exhaustion filled my body and I ran my hands through my hair.

I was so glad i saw jack today.

Annoying prick. {rewritten}Where stories live. Discover now