Chapter 6

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My ears were ringing and copper was both thick in the air and my mouth.

I took a shaky breath in and the coldness of the air made my lungs burn a bit. My head throbbed as I opened my eyes to blinding light.

It took a minute for my eyes to adjust but when they did all I saw was carnage. The vault hunters were splayed out limply. There was broken glass and shrapnel everywhere.

I lifted my hand up to cradle my pounding head. It felt damp, maybe even sticky. I gazed at my hand slicked with red. For a good moment all I could do was stare.

I was knocked out of my trance when I heard someone stirring I slowly sat up and looked to see one of the vault hunters attempting to sit up.

I stared at the vault hunter for a good minute before looking around the room. My eyes stopped when they fell on jack.

He was laid on his side in a sort of splayed out way. Instantly I snapped out of my dazed state and rushed to jacks side ignoring my heads pain and body's protest.

I rolled him over and shook him a bit trying to wake him up. His nose was covered in blood and he had a few cuts and burns scattering him.

"Jack?" I whispered testing out my voice. The sound of my voice made another vault hunter start to stir but I wasn't worried about them.

I shook Jack harder. "Jack get up-" I huffed starting to get anxious.

I felt eyes on me but I didn't care I shook him violently. "Get up you ass! You ass! Get up!" I half hissed and half shouted.

In a fit of panic I raised my hand and slapped him as hard as I could. His eyes shot open as he let out a gasp and shut up from the ground head butting me in the process and sending me back into the floor.

I clutched my head in pain and glanced up at jack. His eyes seemed just as glazed over and panicked as I had been when I first woke up.

I sat up slowly and spoke. "Jack? Are you's me. It's Y/n..."

His eyes locked onto me and instantly he grabbed my shoulders. "Your bleeding, god that's a lot of blood...that's so much blood. It's all over you-" he started rambling.

"Jack. Just take a deep breath." I commanded.

He sucked in a deep breath and sat for a moment before exhaling heavily. He ran a hand through his now dusty messy hair.

He lifted his hands off my shoulder and lifted one to brush the hair that was sticking to my bloody face away.

"Is it bad?"  I asked quietly gazing down at my blood covered hands.

"It's pretty's right along your eyebrow. You must've hit your head." He noted.

I let out a small 'huh' and sat there blankly. Jack glanced at me one more time before heading toward the vault hunters. I could hear him and the others yelling but I tuned it out.

I was still in shock over what just happened. I didn't know what was worse the fact the eye of Helios had been blown to bits or the fact moxxi had tried to kill all of us.

I sat on the floor until Jack grabbed my shoulder. My head snapped up to look at him.

"Let's get you back to the office...we need to deal with your head."  Jack spoke.

I stood up slowly with his help and let him lead me to the fast travel. He punched in the code and  the world dissolved making me feel more dizzy than I already was.

He led me down the hall into our office and I sat in front of desk on the floor.  He went over to his desk and started rummaging through the drawers. He pulled a bottle out of one but kept looking.

"I have a first aid kit in the second drawer of my desk." I spoke up.

He instantly made his way over and pulled out the kit coming to kneel in front of me. He slid off his jacket revealing a bright yellow sweat shirt and in a matter of seconds ripped his sleeve.

He opened the bottle from earlier and soaked the sleeve with the liquid inside.

I glanced at it for a second before smiling. " is that alcohol at work?"

He smiled a small bit. "Hey after dealing with tassitor I need a pick me up."

He lifted the sleeve up and pressed it against my eyebrow and I hissed in pain.

"Oh shit sorry, yeah this will hurt a bit."  He blurted.

He finished wiping the blood from face and then pulled out a cotton square and some medical tape. He placed it on my eyebrow and forehead before taping it firmly.

"There, until we can get the infirmary back up that'll work." He stated proudly.

"Do I get to play doctor now?" I asked picking up the alcohol soaked sleeve.

Jack didn't resist so I wiped at the various cuts across his face. I took some band aids and placed them over the slices before letting jack take care of his bloodied nose.

"Good as new." I commented. I then leaned back against the desk and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked taking a seat next to me.

I nodded. "Yeah the just whole someone trying to kill me thing...I remember talking about that with you."

His face lit up. "Oh yeah! You were wondering what you'd do in that kind of situation."

"Yeah I think I know what I'd do now."  I confessed.

"What would you do?"

"Fight. Nobody is ever going to take my job." I replied.

"Yeah I think that's what I'll do too." Jack agreed.

A while later jack was getting ready to leave to the vault. I watched him grab a shield and gun. 

"Hey before you go, just don't forget that promise you made okay." I reminded him fiddling with my hands.

He chuckled. "I won't forget I promise."

I held up my pinky and he locked his with it.

"I'll see you when you get back...I'll buy lunch." I declared.

"I'll hold you to that." Jack said before turning and going out the door. It shut with a loud thud and I stood alone in our office.

It was right then that I realized how huge the office was and how quiet it was when it was just me.

Annoying prick. {rewritten}Where stories live. Discover now