Chapter 13

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As I woke up the next morning, the night before felt surreal. The memories of last night's kiss lingered in my mind. Part of me thought it might've all been a  pathetic dream but as I walked into the kitchen and saw the slight crack in the wall from my photo-throwing outburst, I quickly accepted that it was no dream.

As I got ready for work I constantly peaked at my echo hoping for any kind of message from Jack. I was unfortunately met with silence. I begrudgingly finished getting ready and started the trek to my office.

As I trudged to the fast travel station I couldn't help but continue to anxiously peak at my Echo. As I manifested into the open office space I could see a few people look up. I was about to brief my team on what needed to be done for the day when a girl by my door caught my eye. I stepped toward her and instantly she turned to look at me.

"Can I help you?" I questioned tentatively as I approached her.

She smiled. "No, Actually I'm here to help you. I'm your new assistant."

I tried to hide my surprise but failed miserably as I stared incredulously at this girl.

"Assistant? I don't need or want an assistant." I replied walking past her into my office.

She followed behind me shutting the door tightly. "I'm sorry but Handsome Jack hired me personally for this..."

I froze before glancing at her. I raised an eyebrow and finally examined the girl thoroughly. She had short black hair and looked like she couldn't be older than 19 maybe 20. She didn't wear the typical hyperion dress wear and was instead wearing more like what a guard would have on.

I took a step back and slowly moved to grab my gun.

"Who are you...and you better not lie," I demanded.

She sighed but gave me a polite smile. "I told him the assistant thing wouldn't work...I'm Cal...I'm your bodyguard."

"Bodyguard? Jack hired me a fucking bodyguard? Not to mention one that doesn't even look old enough to drink!" I ranted.

She grinned a bit. "Actually I'm just barely able to drink...I look young for my age."

I sighed and sat down at my desk. "Listen just go tell Jack that I said I don't need a bodyguard..."

Her cheerful smile faltered a bit. "Well...He thought you might say that and he told me to say no...I'm really sorry I would go but I'm being paid a lot..."

I instantly stood up and stormed past her to the fast travel. Within seconds I was storming down the hall to jacks office. His Assitant Blake glanced up at me meekly.

"He thought you'd be coming, go ahead." She told me politely.

I stepped into the office and was instantly hit with the scent of bleach and a faint hint of Jack's cologne. He was sitting at his desk reading some kind of screen until I walked in. His heterochromatic eyes instantly lifted to look at me.

I felt my face flush as images of last night's kiss filled my head. I sucked in a quick breath and walked up to his desk.

"I don't need a bodyguard,"  I told him sternly.

"Oh yeah I'm doing great, thanks cupcake." He replied sarcastically.

"Jack I'm serious. I don't need her." I continued.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "You will. When people find out I care about you, which they will, they'll want to use you as leverage so they can take my job and I'm not about to let you get hurt because some asshole thinks he can blackmail me."

I sighed and furrowed my brows. "Jack I can handle myself."

"I know you can...but a little extra protection never you'll like Cal she's very....interesting." He stood up and walked around the desk to me.

I frowned before sighing and finally grinning up at him. "Awwww you care about me?" I teased.

He stared at me rolling his eyes. "Oh my god, you are the worst. yes. yes, I care."

I smiled a bit before moving and taking a seat on the edge of his desk. "How'd those turrets work out?" I questioned changing the subject.

He walked back around to his seat grinning. "They were perfect, the code was flawless, not that I thought it wouldn't be."

I smirked a bit while crossing a leg over the other. "Of course it was. The target locking took the longest but I made sure that shit was exquisite."

The corner of jacks lip rose a bit as he stifled a laugh. "You're very passionate about this." He commented grabbing his echo.

"I like coding, it's always been a passion of mine plus I paid a shit ton to learn to do it so I better enjoy it a little." I answered nonchalantly.

Jack let out a loud laugh at that comment and ran a hand through his salt and pepper locks. I couldn't help but stare. I started to notice things that before last night, never stood out to me.

When jack smiled his eyes got the tiniest wrinkles and you could see his dimples even through the mask. His hair though mostly brown had strands of grey peaking through his perfect hair do. His jaw was sculpted and his arms, though littered with scars were large and a light Carmel color.

"Earth to y/n? You still with me?"

Jacks voice quickly cut my staring spree short and I tapped my fingers against the desk in embarrassment.

"Yeah sorry just spacing out." I replied quickly.

"I know I'm good looking doll but you have to focus." Jack smirked before taking my hand gently.

My face of course turned red and I shoved his slightly calloused hand away. "Ugh you are so obnoxious."

Jack maintained his shit eating smirk and just shrugged before looking down at me.

"Hey so feel free to say no but would you wanna go to pandora with me, I have a thing in opportunity and not really feeling the go by myself thing so I thought I'd invite you..again if this is too soon just say no." Jack asked hesitantly. His absent hands fiddled with his watch and I could hear his foot tapping lightly.

"Why wouldn't I wanna go. A vacation from work sounds amazing." I smiled lightly climbing down from my seat on his desk.

His confident demeanor quickly returned with my acceptance and a bright smile washed across his face brightening his features.

"Great, Awesome. It's this weekend so about two days from today, I'll pick you up from your apartment. I'll show you my city." He chirped, excitement now evident.

"Your city huh? Wow didn't know you were such a big shot."  I smirked

He grinned. "Yup I'm a hot shot babe."

My face flushed at the nickname and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever, I need to get back to work." I scoffed playfully as I walked toward the door.

Before I stepped out of the office I gave a final glance at jack.

"Hey jack...thanks for looking out for me." I chirped softly.

His cocky smile softened. "You're welcome."

Annoying prick. {rewritten}Where stories live. Discover now