Chapter 8

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The office that once belonged to tassitor looked like nothing I remembered.  It was dimmer with more mellow lighting. The entire room had all new furniture and had been remodeled.

There were yellow accents painted on the wall and the giant window tassitor always had curtains over was open proudly at the end of the room.

In front of that window was a grand desk and the back of a large office chair. The room smelled of expensive cologne and faintly of copper.

I took a step forward and gently cleared my throat. "Sir. I was told you needed to see me."

"Yeah yeah- your the head of programming right?" He called over. His voice was awfully familiar but I couldn't put a face to it as I took another step toward the desk.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"Great, okay listen I need something down like...I dunno yesterday. It's a very important turret system and- Why the hell am I explaining this to you. Just come grab these concepts and make it happen." He demanded.

I walked up to the desk and the chair spun around. When I finally saw his face I knew exactly why that voice was so familiar.

I tried to hide my surprise as I just stared. He held the blueprints in one hand and an echo in the other not looking at me.

"Why the hell are you just standing there, take the damn-" jacks voice cut off as he finally met my gaze. His entire demeanor changed. His relaxed shoulders instantly tensed and his lips formed a surprised O.

He looked different from when I had last seen him. He had what seemed to be a mask of his own face on. His hair was more well kept and he had a pocket watch firmly secured to his chest.

I opened my mouth to speak but felt a lack of words. I was all of a sudden furious with him and yet still I was glad to see my friend I had presumed dead after hearing nothing from for three weeks.

"Hey." Jack said plainly.

"Hey?!" I spat back fuming. "You ignore me for three weeks, and all you say is 'hey'?!"

"Listen i had other things to worry about, if you haven't noticed sweetheart I'm running the goddamn place." Jack spat back.

I jammed my finger into his chest harshly. "I have noticed! But guess what Jack? I don't care! You could've done litterally anything to just let me know you were okay!"

"Why the hell does it matter to you! You didn't even bother to know my name at first!" He snapped.

His low blow caught me off guard and just fueled my flames more as I snapped at him. "Your right I didn't. And then you talked to me everyday and made sure I wasn't going to blow my brains out after an argument with tassitor or that I wasn't going to kill that sexist dick from HR and you know what jack- after that I was real fucking glad I did learn your name because I had a friend. A friend who cared about me and even though I'm furious at you for how your acting and for ghosting me I am so glad to see you okay."

He didn't respond to me after that and we both sat in the thick silence. I could feel his eyes on me but I stared at the floor my cheeks red with fury and frustration.

Finally he spoke up.

"I don't think I've ever heard you talk this much before."

"Your an idiot." I blurted running my hand through my hair.

"Calling the CEO an idiot? Man guess you don't like you job very much." He said setting the blueprints onto his desk and leaning back in his chair.

I instantly froze when his words hit me. "Oh fuck your my boss...I just yelled at my boss."

Jack pressed his lips together in a grin before bursting into laughs.

"Don't laugh at me! You still owe me an explanation." I demanded.

"I don't owe you anything....but you definitely deserve some kind of explanation. Take a seat." He replied motioning to the chairs in front of his desk.

I did as he told me taking a seat in a leather chair. "I feel like tassitor just called me in here to yell at me." I commented tracing the scars on my hands.

Jack chuckled. "Yeah it brings back some memories being in's nice to be on the other side of the desk though."

After that jack started to tell me the story of what happened after he left me in our office. He told me about how Lilith branded him with the symbol of the vault. He talked about what he learned inside the vault and how he would use the vault on pandora to cleanse it of all the bandits and finally he told me why he didn't contact me.

It was because he was busy fixing his face and murdering tassitor. Apparently he strangled tassitor with his own watch and now was wearing it as a trophy.

I sat in the chair taking in all of the information. It was a lot to process especially the fact that jack murdered our boss. I wanted to be disgusted but part of me was glad that jack got revenge for all of the shitty treatment tassitor put us through.

"Not to be rude but you look like shit." Jack blurted interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh no that wasn't rude at all, thank you so much." I replied sarcastically.

He sighed. "What I mean is you look like you haven't slept in- i dunno ever."

"You like to change subjects don't you." I asked avoiding his new topic.

"We've talked about me for an hour at least and as much I love hearing about myself, it'd be nice to hear about you."

I nodded softly. "Being the head of programming is a lot more demanding than just doing regular code. Someone either needs something to be done already or wants my job."

Jack pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Well you know I can take lunch whenever I want and I was a coder once so maybe I can give some time management advice."

"That sounds nice but I honestly should've been back at the office by now.." I trailed off.

"Cupcake I run this place now, your buddy buddy with the CEO. If anybody says shit it'll be the last thing to come out of their mouth." He insisted.

I looked up at jacks  grinning face. He looked as cocky as ever and so reluctantly I smiled and I agreed.

Annoying prick. {rewritten}Where stories live. Discover now