Chapter 11

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I woke up sprawled across my sofa. With a slightly painful stretch, I stood to prepare for the workday. I knew today would drag majorly.

The commute to my office was the usual trudge through bustling crowds of workers the only difference being that their gazes locked onto me as I shuffled past.

Stepping into the coding department was a relief for once. An escape from all the stares was an instant relief. However, that relief was short-lived as employees were bustling with questions about today's projects.

I bit my lip and held back a sigh. It took an obnoxious amount of time to go through the projects with everyone. Every question had me resisting the urge to blow a hole in their head. The stupidity in the room was going to drive me crazy.

I finally finished briefing the team on what needed to be finished and trudged to my office not bothering to conceal my irritation. I slammed the door behind me and walked to my desk sighing deeply. I raised an eyebrow as I saw a coffee on my desk with a sticky note next to it.

I stepped over and lifted the little yellow square of paper up, scrawled across it was 'Hope I got this right, been a minute since I got you coffee. See you tonight. -jack'

I smiled and lifted the drink to my lips. It was still warm and tasted like hazelnut. I plopped into my chair and booted up my computer. I felt slightly giddy from the thoughtful gift left on my desk and the thoughts of my meeting with jack tonight were swarming my mind.

I started reading through code, double-checking that it was up to par and ready to be sent to RnD for fabrication. My thoughts were still swarming as I tried to read and my eyes burned from the repetitive lines of coding. I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my eyes wearily. Typically I had someone else read through these but with the importance of this project, I wanted to make sure nothing was amiss.

After reading and approving the code I spent an hour checking and rewriting the code in Hyperions servers. It was something I did regularly to prevent hacking. It's hard to hack something if that something is always changing.

I took a short lunch then instantly jumped into reading through some of the projects plans sent to me and sorting them based off of their importance. This always sucked because somebody would always get pissy when their project wasn't at the top of the list.

Of course after that it was a call with the head of our shield development department.

He battered me with questions about the code, when I'd have it sent to RnD for fabrication, and when he he could send his next project.

It was an agonizing hour of gripping the wood of my desk tightly and trying to explain that since a new line of shields had just been dropped all gun projects were taking priority.

Finally it was nearing the end of my shift, my patience had been run thin and my coffee had worn off hours ago.

A sudden knock on my door peaked my irritation.

"This better be important." I called out gripping the edge of my desk. My knuckles were white from my tight grasp.

The door opened to reveal jack grinning maniacally. He was missing his typical coat and vest just wearing a slightly wrinkled dress shirt.

I stared in awe before raising an eyebrow.
"What the hell are you doing here- I thought we were meeting elsewhere?"

He stepped into my office giving a look as he spoke. "I finished early and waiting sounded boring so I came here, man the look on your departments face when I fast traveled in here- oh man it was priceless."

I ran a hand through my hair and gave him an incredulous look as he walked up to my desk and snatched an object up off of it.

I instantly lunged forward to grab it back but he held it away looking at it tenderly.

Annoying prick. {rewritten}Where stories live. Discover now