Night Time Struggles.

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Error sighed as he laid in bed. He looked over at the clock, it was currently 2 am. He groaned and put his blanket over his head a little. "" he mumbled to himself and rubbed his hands together then came from under the covers. Quietly sneaking out of his room and going downstairs, only to see Ink in the kitchen with his hands on the counter and low head.

"Oh my..are you ok...?" Error said gently and Ink looked up a little surprised. "Oh...hey Error..." Ink said. "What are you doing up...?" Error asked. "I could ask you the same thing, but, I just came to think..." Ink said as Error nodded. "A bit of the same answer but also for a cup of water." He said as he went to a cabinet. "So..I was wondering...have you...have you ever been in a relationship?" Ink asked and Error almost choked on his own breath. "M-me? No- no way-..." He lied and turned away.

Ink nodding to his reaction. "I see. So you've never been with anyone, ever? No kisses, no love or, marriage? " Ink asked as Error started to sweat." I'm going to just go back to bed. " Error said, but Ink didn't like not having an answer.

He took Error by the wrist and a wave of panic and slight PTSD went right through him and he threw the water in Ink's face. "DONT TOUCH ME! " Error yelled as he then ran back upstairs and slamming his door, and surprisingly no one woke up, well. Everyone didn't but Reaper.

Reaper had walked downstairs and grabbed Ink by the neck of his shirt. "Outside. Now." Reaper said, Ink knew he fucked up. But yet he still felt harsh to his own thoughts and questions he wanted cleared and answered.

Once outside, Reaper slapped Ink in the face. "What's the one thing I tell you to do?! And you go ahead and push anyway?! I don't even need you to explain what happened. Have a good handful of what did. All I really know is, you asked Error questions you knew would make him uncomfortable and squirm!" He yelled.

Ink growling. "I don't give a shit! You know how I hate being left out of things and having to many questions in my head. " He said. " I get that. But seriously! We're basically family! You have to get along. My me." Reaper said and held his head.

"Look, I over heard Geno and Error talking about-" Ink started but Reaper cut him off. "Really?! That's how you figured Error was up in something?! Your blowing way to low. I think you should take a walk before coming back. And when you do get back, you are to apologizing to Error first thing in the morning. " Reaper growled. "Too fucking old for this shit." He said and Ink stood while sighing and he walked off.

Error laid in his bed and held onto a little plush and was crying softly. A light knock on his door, thinking it was Ink, Error tried to ignore. "Hey Error, it's Reaper..." Reaper said and Error slowly got up and opened the door. "May I..? " Reaper said and Error nodded, moving out of the way and sitting back on his bed. "Ink has no idea about the whole. Thing- Since he can be, irrational and doesn't think before doing or saying something. I apologize if he asked... questions about your love life. He just gets sensitive and feels left out. " Reaper said.

Error rolled his eyes and laid back down. "Well. It's non of his business. And I still can't get over what he did. How he kept me from my family and friends. Taking most away and treating me like his puppet..." He said." And Ink isn't aware of that. Even if he was, he would still possibly say or do inappropriate things with it but in hopes to make you feel better. " He said, Error looking at him like he was crazy.

" Like, when we were kids, a bad friend of Cross moved. Cross was hurt in many ways, but Ink, being the dork he was, made a bunch of jokes and such about it. Making Cross angry but at the same time, make him feel more special and comfortable. It's weird, I know, but, that's just his way of saying he cares. " Reaper said and Error went quiet."Well, I said my piece... I told Ink to apologize to you in the morning but, if you don't want that I can tell him not to. " He said. Error shaking his head. Reaper sighing. " Alright...get some sleep, see you in the morning, goodnight. " He said as he walked out. "...night..." Error said as he twiched and he bit his lip while curling up and closing his eyes to sleep.

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