Everything Is Wrong

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Ink dashed and sped as fast as he could back to the house and luckily not getting pulled over at anytime. He quickly went into Error's house to see Reaper, Geno and Fresh in the kitchen, talking about Error being missing, saying that they notified police and such. But having no success on finding him, but Reaper had heard Ink rush in thinking it was Error.

When he saw it wasn't he stormed up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU?!" He yelled as Ink took Reaper's hands. "That's not important right now! Long story short; I regretted leaving last night, was coming back here and then I saw Error getting kidnapped, tried to chase the idiots that did it but lost them. So now we need to find them before Error gets seriously hurt." Ink said as Geno and Fresh looked at each other. "What did the car look like." Geno said, pulling Reaper back to calm him and rubbed his shoulders. "Uh..well, it was a taller one, very black and the license plate was weird- it had the normal numbers and stuff but it had a black apples all over." He said as Geno and Fresh groaned.

" Nightmare." They said as Reaper looked away. "I'm sorry who." Ink said as Reaper sighed. He looked at Geno, Geno at him, Geno and Reaper at Fresh and they nodded. "Well, we won't get into everything but." Fresh said. " Nightmare is an ex of Error. They're were to get married but. Nightmare was a manipulative asshole and was just using Error so he could keep his business. " Geno said. "But. Since it failed, he's been silent every since and not a word or person has come from his building." Reaper said. Ink stared while he blinked a little. "so...why would-" "Because. Obviously there is something that's keeping him quiet instead of simply using his power to keep him in that power. " Geno said. "So whatever he has planned with Error it can't be good. " He said and Ink nodded. " I'll stay here with the kids, Cross can help me. If I go I might kill him." Reaper said and Geno sighed. "Well then. Fresh? " He said as Fresh walked up. "I'll go. Give Nightmare a few words of advice." He said as he tightened his fist a little. Geno nodding. " Alright then, me, Fresh and Ink will go. " He said as they all nodded. "I'll go and let Cross know now. " Reaper said walking upstairs. The three nodding and walking out.

It didn't take long for them to get there. Geno knew exactly where they needed to be and Ink was go at being fast but not being caught by still going a decent speed.

Error groaned as he began to wake up. "Still get knocked out cold the same don't you?" A voice said, a dark and cold voice that Error hated, he tried to move but once his eyes fully opened he saw that he was tied to a chair. "What do want from me-..." He said, struggling a little. "You're not getting out of this. " Nightmare said as Error panted. "Let me go! I want nothing to do with you! I can send you to prison for this...!" Error said as he twiched. "Haha. I've thought it carefully. As long as I get what I want, I don't care. But. If I go to prison no one will take Tenpatch. " Nightmare smirked as Error twiched. "What do you want..." He said. "I want you to marry me. " He said and Error growled. "Never!!! I swore to myself that I'd never marry you! No way no how!!! No way!!! No!!!!" He yelled. Nightmare was getting impatient. He walked up to Error and turned the chair and got into his face. "When I look at our son I tell him what a monster you are for leaving. For not wanting to stay. Yet he still makes me the bad guy." He snarled. "Because you are you psycho!!!" Error yelled and Nightmare slapped him in the face. "It's a life and death situation for you. And a life choice for our son." He said as Error twiched. He was a Afriad of what Nightmare said. He hated when Nightmare would do this. Use the love of his son against him. "...Why would you still want to be married now...I left 5 years ago...why now are you starting this again.. shouldn't you have lost everything by now.." he said and Nightmare rolled his eyes. "I'm close. And I already announced I had you but our wedding was. Delayed." He said as he looked at him. " And now I don't care who would be there. As long as it would happen. You'd be mine. Defenseless. Helpless. And deeply in love with me. " He said as Error spat in his face. "Love you?! Madly?! YOURS?! GOD! You're such a selfish bastard! " Error said as Nightmare growled and slapped him again."QUIET!" Nightmare growled. "If you're gonna be that way. Fine. You can be locked up instead with no choice." He said as he snapped his fingers. "Get him out of here. To the room I designed." He said and some guys took Error off the chair but still had him tied up. "N-No!!!! Let me go!!!" He yelled as he kicked. Getting nervous. "And if he escapes I won't hesitate to kill you. All of you." He said and they walked out with Error. "no! Let me go! let me go!!!!" He yelled and then was untied being thrown in a room and the door shutting harshly, locking after. "NO!" Error yelled as he then ran to the door and tried opening it and banging on it. "Let me out!!! Let me out! Let me..!...out..." He said as he then started to cry. "... someone... please...help..." He cried before laying against the door and pulling his knees up. "Help me..."

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