Rough Day

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Ink yawned as he sat on his bed and rubbed his eye. He did it. Instead of just getting up to apologize in the morning, like Reaper asked, he left. Just went off and left.

And back the house, Error was really not happy with it, but the one who showed most emotion of being upset was with Reaper.

Ink felt a, sink in his chest. He wanted to go back but, he regretted leaving in the first place. In an odd way, he wanted- no, NEEDED to be with Error. Alone. Alone. Alone.

Error couldn't handle the stress inside the house with Reaper emoting, Geno trying to calm him down, Cross and Fresh trying to help with the confused littles, Ink being gone, it was to much for his little soul. He walked out and Cross noticed while jumping up. "Hang on baby, hold Goth for me" he said as he gave Goth to Fresh and Fresh sighed, sitting down with Shino and Raven at his sides with scared and confused looks. "It's okay kiddos, just stick with me for a bit..." He said, trying to keep them as calm as he could.

Cross going after Error. "Error! Wait!" He said as he panted softly and Error sighed. "If you just gonna try and comfort me you might as well go back, Fresh needs you more than me." Error said. "But-" Cross said. "No. This isn't some kind of thing we're your gonna comfort me and then all of a sudden Ink is just gonna show up and comfort me too. Just go back. I beg of you." He said and Cross rubbed his head, going back inside and Error walked away from the house. "Finally-..." Error said. "just me and my head. I hate this...." He said.

"I don't like making new friends with what happened...that makes me feel weak and sensitive. But not." Error said as he growled to himself and he walked down the block. A bit of a distance from the house, he noticed a car following him. He walked a little faster and the car sped up as well. Going infront of Error as Error then turned and started to run back to the house and someone got out of the car and caught up to him, grabbing him and covering his mouth while he struggled and sqirmed while kicking and thrashing around. "Hold still!" They yelled as Error bit there hand, causing them to let go and growl. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Error yelled and ran while then having someone infront of him with a gun pointed at him and he backed up a little and tried to look for a spot to run but the one behind caught up and grabbed him by the arms and pulled them behind his back while Error struggled and tried to pull away but they dragged him back to the car. "HELP! HELP!" He yelled as then his mouth was covered again while he muffled screaming.

It was just around when Ink was going to go back to the house to pull in when he heard and saw what was happening and he quickly got out of the car without even turning it off or anything and ran over. "HEY!" he yelled as one looked over and already shoved Error in the car as they jumped. "Let's go!" They said as Error got up and banged on the window. "HELP!!!!" he yelled but was pulled back and his mouth was covered with tape and his wrists tied behind his back. Ink went back in the car and followed fast. "They're not getting away that easily-" he growled while the other car was always going in a hurry, a full chase down for a while until it was a game of hide and seek. Ink losing and finding them over and over, Error struggling and trying to break free but being held back by a tightened seat belt.

Sadly and unfortunately Ink lost the car completely and slammed his head on his steering wheel. "DAMNIT!" He yelled to himself while then going back to the house quickly.

Error muffled out screaming and yells while then his eyes were covered and what seemed after a long while, the car stopped and Error thrashed around, he wasn't gonna give up. Whoever these people are. He wouldn't stop fighting. He wouldn't give up so easily. Error muffled screams and shouts while pulling back and he felt lose of arms and he went back, falling into the vehicle again and kicking around. "Well- it no wonder the boss wanted this one- just as feisty as he is-" one said, Error confused by the statement but moved back but a hand grabbed at his shoulder and he was thrown over one. Kicking, screaming and thrashing around as he tried to untie himself. He stopped screaming eventually but still struggled around. But soon enough his movement came to an end when someone hit him on the head hard and he passed out.

InkError {Don't Leave Me}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora