Getting to know Him

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Error POV.

I follow Ink as I stay a distance but he takes my hand as I jump a bit and walk as Ink was silent until we got to a small house with different colors of paint as I smile a bit and walk into the house with Ink. "You can just set your wet clothes in the bathroom and take a shower if you'd like, I can let you use clothes that don't fit me anymore." Ink said as I nod.

"Sure, I could use a shower." I say softly as I could see a small rainbow on his face as I blink a bit but shrug. "But may I ask where the bathroom is?" I asked as Ink nodded. "Yeah... Follow me" he said as I smiled and walk with him upstairs. We were silent as we walked and Ink looked a little nervous or something but I brush it off as I walk and look around, the place was really nice and clean a little and well designed Ink then lead me to the bathroom and I smiled.

"Thanks!" I said as he nodded. "Um, you wanna borrow some clothes or something?" He asked, I giggled a bit. "If you have anything small enough!" I laugh as he let out a small chuckle. "Ah, alright" he said as he went off and I went into the bathroom and started the water then got undressed. It felt good to be free of damp cold clothes. I got in the shower, the warm water felt nice on my body, it's almost been two weeks since I took an actual shower. I wash off and was the best!


I cleaned up a little. I think I'll let Error use my room. He's just so cute! He smells nice, he's little and gosh, am I getting sidetracked? Anyway, I continue to pick up a little around the place and at least make things look more decent. I wasn't really expecting anyone so the place wasn't great... Then again, it never really is, heh.

Once finished tidying up I went up to the attic and looked around in some old clothes and gave them a good wash and dry for Error. He took a surprisingly long while in the shower, poor guy. Wonder if life was treating him well being in there so long- as I sit in thought, the clothes just finish drying when I hear the shower turn off. I grabbed the clothes and went back upstairs and knocked on the door. "I got the clothes, fresh out of the dryer."

" Oh! Thank you! I'll open the door in a sec! " I hear Error sat in his adorable voice! "Alright! " I say back and Error then opened the door a little, but he did cover very well with a towel and I handed him the clothes, trying not seem weird and just kept my eyes on his face or away with a slightly nervous smile.

"Thanks!" He said then shut the door gently and I walked back downstairs to the kitchen and started to make us just a little something, being out and cleaning made me hungry. I just make up some quick egg omelettes and get some juice! Okay. I'll admit, I'm a bit of a child and will eat breakfast anytime of the day.

Error POV.
It was so nice of Ink to let me in his place and shower...gosh the shower was fantastic, I almost didn't want to get out! But I knew I had been in there a while so I soon got finished when he gave him fresh clean clothes! So sweet! I put on the clothes and they were so cute!!! Just a simple blue top with a little red bow and nice but warm pants with little rainbows on them and a nice pair of pastel blue socks.

I walked out of the bathroom and smelled something good downstairs. I walked down to see Ink making a breakfast snack. But I don't complain or judge. Breakfast food is the best kind! Chocolate being a number one sweet treat or simply a dessert.

"That smells wonderful Ink, you cook often?" I asked. "Yeah, I use to all the time when I was kid with my older and younger brother." Ink said. "You have two brothers?" I ask with a smile.

"Yep, life was better with them." Ink said with a smile. His simply perfect, soft, smile that made me feel like I could fly... Soon enough, the two of us were, eating, talking and laughing all evening long... It was just... Perfect and magical. A friend that I could really relate to... Someone who didn't judge based of my looks or voice. Just, someone who really got me and still be an opposite who could see all value.

I didn't want it to end but as all eventually do after a long day I was beat. "So, do you have an extra blankets and/or pillows I can barrow to set on the couch?" I asked. "What?! No away! A guess should always be treated best first. You can stay in my room and I'll just sleep down here, that way if you need anything, you can just call from upstairs and I'll come rushing" he said.

Gods he's amazing!!! "Oh! That's very sweet of will I ever repay your kindness?..." I ask, feeling a little bad that he was going out of his way to a stranger he just met, but at the same time I couldn't help but feel a little flushed when he offered so bold and nicely to let me have a comfortable place to sleep. Not that I don't think the couch wouldn't be comfortable, since he was really good at making the place look decent and nice.

He lead me to his bedroom and showed me everything I would need to know for the night, where the extra home phone was, a path to the bathroom, if I ever needed to go in the dark and just, perfectly making me feel safe. He's just to perfect.

3rd pov

Error smiled as he eventually got settled into bed and was out quick, Ink going back downstairs and just having time to think to himself. "Tomorrow is gonna be a beautiful day." He said as he then drifted off to sleep.

So enough in the morning, Error was up bright and early making a nice breakfast for him and Ink. It was all he could think of for now after his nice night yesterday. Soon enough as well again, Ink woke and smiled at the smells in his house. "Well, not only is he cute but he has a talent for making the kitchen smell like a bright sunshine day." Ink said to himself and walked to the kitchen. "Good morning Error!" Ink said with a smile. "Morning Ink! Hope you don't mind that I make this for us, I'll by you more groceries once I can call for a bus home." He said.

"You sure you have to go-? " Ink said." Well, my brothers are supposed to come visit in a day or two, don't want them to stop at an empty house. It's for my brothers birthday before he moves with his family. He and his husband just got a great job that caused them to leave but, my brother deserves it. He and his husband have worked really hard." He said." Oh? What do they do? " Ink asked.

"Lots of things, sell clothes, houses and a lot of other things, my brother is good with fixing up homes and selling them, and his husband makes awesome clothes and some jewelry. They even have three kids of their own. So, they're really making a break through." He said and Ink nodded. "What about your other brother?" He said. "Music and choreography. He's really good with the musical arts and such. With his boyfriend and good friend, they're basically a little family." He said.

"I see, and what about you?" Ink asked and Error paused. "...I don't really know... I don't have talents like my brothers and their families. I haven't gotten there" he said." I mean, their in/almost in their 30s and I'm still stuck in my baby 20s. I'm not even 25!" Error said, making the plates. " old are you? " Ink asked. "24-..." "It's not to bad" Ink said. "How old are you?" Error asked. "26" Ink said. "My oldest brother is 32, my lil brother is 19" Ink said. "Huh. My brothers are 23 and 35" Error said. Then the two began to eat when Error was finished setting up.

Error was kinda quiet so Ink tried to break the silence. "So, do you know if your brothers are bringing their families? Or is your house not big enough?" Ink asked. " My house is definitely big enough. And I told them they could if they wanted to. " He said." Well, I have nothing to do all week, what if I came back to your house with you? " Ink asked. Error smiling gently. " Heh, I'd like that."

Things are going to get complicated now.

InkError {Don't Leave Me}Where stories live. Discover now