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"(Y/n)...I'm your husband, Aleksy"

After those words are said, you stay silent, not saying anything at all.

You just don't know what to say, like how are you supposed to react to having a husband...when you are in love with another man?

Adding to that, you are also having an uneasy feeling about this, like you feel that you know him but not as a husband.

"Where were you in the past year? I was found in front of the temple, knocked out, why did you not search for me?" you demand.

"Because I had to travel back to Macedon, after all, I'm a soldier"

Something feels off to you about his reply.

"How did we meet?"

"I was on a trip to Egypt, and we fall in love, then got married" Aleksy explains.

Even though you don't trust Aleksy yet, if you are his wife, you have to stay with him.

"What are we going to do now?" you inquire, allowing him to grab your shoulders and be close to you.

"Alexander has decided to stay in Egypt for a while until he secures his reign" you pout at that.

Aleksy knows that what he is doing is wrong, but he can't allow you to stay single.

If you are single, Alexander might take you as a concubine in his harem.

After all, you are a very beautiful woman, and also intelligent.

Heck, if you and he met in normal circumstances, Aleksy would have asked you out.

Suddenly, a scream is heard causing you to walk back to where Akl and Alexander were fighting.

Only to see the head of Akl on the ground and the sword of Alexander stained with blood.

"AKL! NO!"

You scream out in horror, attracting the attention of Alexander who only smirks.

He walks over to you closely, making Aleksy wrap his arms around you protectively.

"You look beautiful when you cry" the golden-haired conquer compliments your tearful expression.

"She is my wife" Aleksy announces, thinking that this would make him stay away from you.

Alexander glances at his friend, his eyes brightening up with mischief.

"You should start learning how to share with others"


You sit beside Aleksy as Alexander celebrates his victory with the soldiers and generals.

There was a lot of food and beer presented at the table, which you didn't touch.

Alexander is not far away from you, actually, he requested that you and Aleksy sit close to him.

Meanwhile, Alexander's childhood friend, Hephaestion,

"You have not told us that you have a lovely wife, Aleksy" Hephaestion states, looking at you.

"Aleksy picked the right woman to fuck" Alexander teases

You clutch your fists, feeling humiliated, something which Aleksy notices.

"We are in love" Aleksy claims.

The young king snorts, not taking your 'husband' seriously.

"There is no such thing as love"

You take this as your chance to take your revenge and humiliate him.

"Just because your father had too many mistresses to count on his hand and tossed your mother aside, doesn't mean that love doesn't exist"

Everyone's eyes widen, shocked at what you insult.

"How do you know that?" Alexander inquires calmly.

"Sad how you killed your father to sit on the throne"

Alright, those are rumours you hear around, but some of them have to be true.

"(Y/n) shut your mouth" Aleksy orders, fearing for your life.

"No, I will treat him the same as he treats others, he's a heartless arrogant man, not a good king"

Alexander starts laughing loudly at you, before standing up from his place.

And allowing the beer in his cup to rain on your head, causing your clothes to get wet and stick to your body.

Alexander grabs you by your hair and looks right into your soul.

"I will teach you how to speak to your king with respect"

He then spats in your face, degrading you more.


𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒈𝒆𓂀 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ! 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒈𝒚𝒑𝒕Where stories live. Discover now