/chapter 6/

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Italics - thoughts
Bold/italics- texts

Aliyah pov:

Cole & I have been texting since our last date. Throughout our working days. In the evening, too. We've also facetime, a bunch. I'm glad we have been keeping touch since our first date. At least he's been thinking of me as I also have been thinking of him too. He is just too adorable.

But I'm an independent career oriented woman who knows she can rely on herself. I cannot let Cole distract me from work. 'time to work' I thought as I zone back into my work.

*A few hours later*

It's been a while since the last text. It was from Cole. Back to back meetings and calls have drained me. I glance at the clock only to see it is almost time for me to go home. I contemplate texting Cole before leaving the office.

Cole's pov:

It has been a few hours since I last texted aliyah. I guess answering emails as well as conference calls/meetings can eat up your time without realising.

It's almost time for me to head home from the office for a night of Netflix and chill. I'm thinking of sending Amelia a quick message to let her know I'm heading out.

Cole: hey...

Aliyah: hey, what's up?

Cole: just wanted to say I'm heading out of the office.

Aliyah: me too. I'm also heading out.

Cole: wanna meet up at your place?

Aliyah: sure, why not? It's been a while. :)

*6:31 pm at Aliyah's place*

*Knock on the door*

"Hey, how are you?" Aliyah smiles and giggles as her eyes light up at the sight of Cole. "I'm good. Busy with work. You know how it is." We both giggle at his statement.

"Come inside." Aliyah waves Cole inside and closes the door behind him as he enters. Aliyah points to her sign she has on the wall next to the door. Cole follows her finger and says, "ah. Got ya." Cole takes his shoes by the mat.

Aliyah heads into the kitchen to get some wine glasses and a bottle of rose. She walks back into the living area to a very comfortable Cole searching for a show to watch.

Aliyah laughs quietly as she takes a seat next to Cole. Cole wraps his arms around her waist. Aliyah places the glasses on the table, opens the bottle and pours some rose for the both of them.

"So, what are we watching?" Aliyah asks excited. Cole just murmurs a response of 'I don't know' as he continues to flip through the genres and lists.

After a few sips of rose, both Cole and Aliyah settle on a show they both like. They snuggle together on the soft clouded sofa as their eyes are glued to the TV.

The rest of the night goes by this way with some food as well.

Some cuddles, some hugs and kisses later.....

To be continued...


Author's note: what do you think happens that night? Shall I do a special, mature chapter?

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