/chapter 8/

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Authors note: this chapter will be focusing on Kat's point of view about aliyah since their friendship is long distance. Have a look at the characters chapter to find out who Kat is.

This is a filler chapter until I am able to come up with new ideas for the next chapter.

Kat's (Aliyah's friend) pov:

It has been a steady few months since aliyah left. But she has been keeping me updated on her life in California. She seems to enjoy her job, her career is heading in the right direction.

I'm also enjoying getting updates from her about this man she has been keeping a mystery. Makes me wonder if he is famous or well known. Maybe that's why she has not revealed his identity. Just an out of respect thing, I guess. Nevertheless, I'm proud of her and where she is going in life.

She's the bestest friend I have ever had and I would want nothing but the best for her. She deserves the best in friends, her love life and in her career.

Aliyah is a wonderful person. Her parents have taken me under their wing since my parents were never home. They were always traveling for work while I was left behind living on pizza and coke everyday. Aliyah's parents helped shape the person I am today.

I enjoy the facetime calls I have with aliyah. Especially if she has new news to tell me. It's far and few between. But, it is what it is. I miss my best friend. I hope she comes back to visit soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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