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I sat on my bed, sulking over the fact that is been tricked by Chanyeol. His stupid cat plushie was lying somewhere across the room where I chucked it.
I don't even know why I cared so much. At least now he wouldn't be bugging me about dating him.
I should really look on the bright side of things.
No more Chanyeol meant no more annoyingness.
I never even wanted to be his boyfriend anyway.


"Bacon. Bacon! Why are you ignoring me?" Chanyeol whispered in class. I continued to pretend I was extremely interested in what Mr. Lee had to say.
"Is it because of the other day?"
"No." I said.
"Hey! You spoke to me." He said. "Wait, then why are you angry?"
"I'm not angry." I said.
"Then why are you ignoring me." I looked at him and glared.
"You know, deep down, I think I probably had feelings for you. But I'm glad they were just deep down, or I probably would have been hurt a lot more." I said.
"What are you talking about?" He really made me want to whack my head against the desk.
"You're really clueless, aren't you. I saw you with that guy on the weekend. I'm not blind." I said. Realisation dawned on Chanyeol.
"Ohh, you are upset about this weekend." He said.
"Well of course I am. You made me think you liked me." I said.
"But I do..." He said.
"No, don't. Stop saying that. You obviously don't if you were with that guy. You two were really close."
"He's my ex! He texted me and I left to explain to him that I'd found someone else. But he's one of those weird exes who just don't take no for an answer. I was literally about to leave when you saw." Chanyeol said.
"Whatever." Chanyeol's phone buzzed and he quickly looked at it. I glanced over his shoulder.


Meet me outside xx

Chanyeol's hand shot up.
"Yes, Chanyeol?" Mr. Lee said.
"I'm not feeling too well, can I please go to the nurses office (is that what they're called?)?" He asked.
"Sure. Come back if you feel better. For homework just do that sheet I handed out." Chanyeol nodded and quickly rushed out of the classroom. I sighed.
"For someone who's just your 'ex', you certainly didn't hesitate much when making an excuse to leave." I said to no one. "And you're really whipped." I made a whip noise."
"Baekhyun, may I ask why you're making whip noises in the back of the class?" Mr. Lee asked.
"I'm practising for when I become a cowboy, sir. It's my goal in life." I said. "I've already got the walk down pat." Mr. Lee smiled.
"Really? Would you care to show us?" I got up and did what I assumed was a cowboy walk.
"Yeehaw." I said as I sat down. "See, I'd make a brilliant cowboy."
"You'd make a better girl." A boy said. His mates around him laughed.
"Though Luhan is prettier." Someone said.
"If that Sehun wasn't dating him I'd steal him away for sure." Another said.
"I still reckon Bacon is the prettiest. Hey Bacon, would you be my girlfriend?"
"Get lost." I said, sinking down in my seat. Where was Chanyeol when you needed him?
Oh yeah, with his 'ex'.


"And he just left? Just like that?" Sehun asked. I nodded.
"As soon as he got that text he was gone." I said.
"Speak of the Devil..." Sehun said. I looked up to where Sehun was looking.
There he was. Changmin.
For a second, I almost wanted to run over to Chanyeol. Almost.
Until, of course, Changmin leaned in to kiss Chanyeol. I just stood there, staring as Changmin pulled away, smiled, and walked off. Chanyeol stood there, unresponsive.
Eventually, when he did move, he wiped his lips furiously and wandered off.
"Look on the brighter side of things, at least it looked like Chanyeol didn't want to be kissed." Sehun said.
"Yeah, but it only looked that way. He was probably enjoying it." I said, kicking the ground.
"Don't get so down. Hey, we have another match with Bangtan this weekend." Sehun said.
"Again?" Sehun nodded. "Why?"
"Because there aren't many schools in the area and we aren't at a level where we can have matches with schools and teams in other areas. We can't even beat Bangtan."
"But they're so annoying. And Stupid goes there and Derp used to."
"Don't call them names, it makes you seem childish."
"And we only versed Bangtan last week. Why are we doing it again?" Sehun shrugged.
"Apparently the school captain or something requested another match." I sighed.
"This is so not fair." I huffed. Sehun pat my shoulder.
"Life really doesn't like you at the moment, does it?" I shook my head. "Well think of it this way, it can't get much worse, now can it?"


Famous last words...

Changmin in the photo on the side or at the top is just telling himself it just one more photo. Just one more crazy fan and it's over. He can go home...

My eye hurts. It wants to sleep.
Pfft, who needs sleep.

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