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Things like this pic are slowly killing me... First TaeminxObama, now Baekhyun? Obama is one lucky guy... XD


As I walked into class, I frowned at the unusual sight.

Chanyeol was sitting in class, five minutes before the first bell was supposed to go, all his books ready for a lesson of History.

And the class we had first was History...

I continued to frown as I sat down next to him, trying to figure out how he managed to arrive on time and get his timetable correct.

"Who are you and what did you do to Chanyeol?" I asked as I sat down. Chanyeol looked up suddenly, flustered.

"Huh? What?" He frowned at me and I smiled.

"You arrived to class early. This isn't like you... Are you sure you're feeling alright?" I reached up and felt Chanyeol's forehead.

"Oh... I'm fine..." He reached up and took my hand of his head, placing it back on my desk. He smiled in what I assumed was a reassuring manner.

"It's just weird, seeing you not lost... and beating me to class..." I shrugged as I pulled my pens out.

"Oh, well I don't know, I guess today is just my lucky day or something..."

The bell went and Chanyeol's phone went off. He looked at it before putting it back in his pocket.

"Gotta, um, go to the toilet.." Chanyeol quickly got up and rushed outside. I sat and stared at where he'd once been, frowning.

Not even a minute later, he rushed back into the room, panting.

"Sorry... I got lost..." He said as he walked over to his desk and sat down. He sat there panting for a few seconds before looking at me, frowning slightly.
"Hi Bacon. Oh! Kai and D.O invited us to a laser tag tonight."

"Why?" I frowned and he shrugged.

"Because they have tickets and Kai apparently wants to kick our butts. I don't know, don't ask me what goes through Kai's head. It's a confusing place." I chuckled.

"Sounds like someone I know..."


"I think we should go in teams.."

"No, one on one."

"Teams." D.O and Kai frowned at each other as Chanyeol and I stood next to them awkwardly.

"No, one on one." Kai crossed his arms and D.O huffed.

"Teams." He stamped down on Kai's foot, effectively getting his own and injuring his team mate simultaneously.

"Sweet mother of- okay, we'll play in teams..." Kai sighed, holding his sore foot and hopping around to maintain his balance. D.O smiled.

"Good, I knew you'd see things my way." Grumbling, Kai walked off to get suited up, followed by D.O.

Chanyeol managed to get his vest on backwards and was confused as to why the gun was behind him. Chuckling, I helped him to put it on properly, worrying about the success of my team.

"Are you ready to do this?" I asked, smiling at Chanyeol. He continued to stare at his gun before looking up at me.

"Huh?" He looked up at me blankly, making me think he hadn't heard a word I'd said.

"I asked if you were ready to do this..." Chanyeol nodded, looking back at his gun.

"Yeah, I am..."


"I thought you said you were ready!" I exclaimed when Chanyeol and I were in the laser tag room, being totally dominated by Kai and D.O.

"I was, I just hadn't figured out how to use the gun yet..." I facepalmed and sighed as I waited for the ability to shoot to come back.

"Weren't you listening to what the instructor said?" My gun started working again and I shot D.O, only to be shot from behind by Kai.

"There was an instructor?" I sighed again. I then walked over to Chanyeol.

"Yes, there was. Now, you hold the gun here... and here..." I moved his hands so they were in the right spots. "And you press this to shoot, like this."

I spun us around and shot Kai, who I was pretty sure hadn't been shot yet.

"God dammit!" He yelled before sulking off somewhere. My gun started working and I walked off to find D.O. I was suddenly shot from behind.

Frowning, I turned to see Chanyeol facing me, his gun aimed towards me. I sighed and facepalmed.

"Chanyeol, we're on the same team..." I said and he smiled apologetically.

"Sorry...." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"It's alright. Now we've just got to get the others. What I reckon we do is-"

"CHARGE!!!!" Chanyeol ran off into the darkness and I sighed again. I was doing a lot of sighing.

"...come up with a plan..." I shook my head as I waited for my gun to start working again.

"Oh no! I was shot!" There was a thump and I ran after Chanyeol's voice, wondering what could have possibly happened.

I reached Chanyeol, who was playing dead. D.O stood next to him, staring in confusion.

"All I did was shoot him... I didn't even touch him..." D.O said, looking up at me. I smiled and nodded, crouching down next to Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol, if you don't get up now you're not staying the night." Chanyeol's eyes shot open and he sat up, shooting D.O and Kai, who I had noticed sneaking up behind me.

"What?! Again?" Kai stomped off, closely followed by D.O. Chanyeol smiled at me.

"All part of my plan." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure...." I helped him up and we stood back to back, looking for D.O or Kai. "Now, let's actually kick some butt."

I found some pink hair on me and the only logical explanation is that I'm a rare species that has naturally pink hair. Except I only have one... and it's no longer attached to my head.

I'm not sure if I did great with the laser tag thing but oh well, I tried my best...

Makeout session happens next chapter, don't worry, I haven't forgot about it. Eheheh...

I've literally watched a full days worth of Camp Lakebottom episodes... Some of them I've seen before.
I'm just waiting for So Awkward...

Anyways, I'm going to leave and... do something.

I just realised a lot of my main stories on this account are close to finishing :(
Still, at least I've got plenty to go on to XD


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