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"Baekhyunnie~ you never hang out with me anymore..." Sehun cried, appearing behind me, closely followed by Luhan.
"I'm sorry, I've just been preoccupied with other things..." I said.
"Like Chanyeol?" Luhan smiled and winked at me. "You two a thing yet?"
"N-No..." I said, shaking my head.
"Oh, that's a shame... were you going to meet him?" I shook my head again. "Really? Because he's sitting in the library by himself..."
"Really? He said he was going to hang out with V and all that today... Maybe he got sick of them." I shrugged.
"Maybe." Luhan shrugged as well. "It wouldn't surprise me."
"Hey, let's go do something!" Sehun said, shaking my arm.
"Ok, ok. I'm coming." I said as Sehun ran off.



I sat in the library, reading this book I'd found. I'd told Bacon that I was hanging out with V but that was a lie. That group transferred back to Bangtan yesterday. Turns out they were only on a temporary transfer, thank god. Plus everyone else was getting bored and wanted to become the Bangtan Boys again.
I flicked through the book, growing bored. I sighed and chucked it on the table.
I want Bacon.
I looked around and yawned.
I want Bacon.
I sighed and stood up.
I was going to fight for Bacon and make him mine. No matter what, that boy was mine.



I watched as Baekhyun and Sehun chatted and laughed. It made me smile.
At least he wouldn't be completely alone. At least he'd still be happy...
I sighed quietly. I wish I didn't have to leave. I didn't want to leave Sehun, but I had to. Dad had got a job elsewhere and the whole family had to move.
"Luhan! Luhan!" I looked up and smiled at Sehun. "What were you thinking about?"
"What to do for your birthday." I said. Sehun smiled.
"You don't have to do anything, we can just watch movies together. You, me and Baekhyun." He said.
"And Chanyeol, don't forget that where there's Baekhyun, there's Chanyeol." I said.
"Yeah, and Chanyeol." Sehun added. "Can't forget Chanyeol..."

X X X X ((So many time skips and POV changes!! Sorry))


I sighed as I walked inside.
"I'm home!" I called out.
"In the kitchen." I walked over to Mum and watched as she cooked whatever she was cooking.
"Smells good." She smiled at me.
"Thanks, I'm baking cookies. How was your day at school?" She put a tray in the oven and pulled one out.
"It was alright, Chanyeol disappeared at lunch." Mum chuckled.
"I bet you hated that." She said. She grabbed one of the cookies and handed it to me.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I bit into the cookie. "Hey, this is actually really good."
"Did you expect it to be bad?" I shrugged and Mum hit my shoulder lightly. "Of course it's good, I used to be a professional chef back in my day. I owned a cafe and bakery."
"I know, I know, I was only joking." I said.
"Oh, is that the time already?" Mum asked, glancing at the clock. "I've got to go to work, when the timer goes off can you take the cookies out?"
"Sure." Mum kissed my cheek and rushed out, grabbing her keys and jacket on the way.
"And don't let the cookies burn!" She yelled before walking out.
"Of course not..." I grabbed another cookie and walked out into the lounge room to watch cartoons.

I stared at the screen, barely paying attention to what was on it. I yawned as I ate the last bite of my cookie.

Beep Beep

I looked around and realised the cookie timer was going off.

Beep Beep

Grumbling, I got up and walked over to the kitchen.

Beep Beep

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I grumbled as I walked into the kitchen.


I frowned. "Im pretty sure timers don't sound like that... must be broken."


I paused again. "And I'm pretty sure cookies don't smell like that..." I began to cough as smoke I couldn't see filled my lungs.


My eyes shot open and I realised I had been dreaming. I coughed and looked around, smoke filled the room.
"The cookies... *cough*" I got up, the smoke burning my lungs, and began to walk over to the kitchen. I frowned as I realised there was something orangey and hot blocking my way.


"I'm pretty sure cookies don't do that..." I broke into another fit of coughs and collapsed. I didn't know how long I'd been breathing in the smoke.
I felt my life flash before my eyes. It wasn't long before it zoomed in on one particular person.
"Ch-Chanyeol... *cough*" I felt tears slide down my cheeks.
I felt my arms and legs shake before my vision went black and the ground came rushing to me. Tears continued to slide down my face as I thought of all the things I'd never got to say to that stupid Derp.
"B-Bye bye..." I whispered before I fully lost consciousness. "Bye bye Derpy..."

Don't kill me.. if you kill me, Bacon dies with me and then the BaekYeol scene I have planned for next chapter will never happen... wait... I think that was just a spoiler... whoops :x **SPOILER ALERT**
Anyways... I'll just go before I'm killed.

FOOTBALLS AND UMBRELLAS.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant