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I walked up to Bangtan Academy's entrance, my hands in my pockets. I sighed and looked at the familiar school, wishing I wasn't here. But if Bacon didn't want me around, there was only one place to go.

My hand tightened around the small ring in my pocket as I entered the school, already regretting it.

"Chanyeol? Is that you?" V asked, walking up to me and frowning. Once he'd reached me, he smiled. "Did you remember how amazing this place is? Or could it be... you missed me?"

"Get lost." I continued to walk past him, ignoring his pout and puppy dog eyes. He quickly rushed to follow me and sighed.

"See this is why you were a loner before you left. You kept pushing us kingkas away..." I frowned at him.

"You Kingkas? You are weird kingkas... One of you is an alien, the other is a princess who is so obviously gay, the other is a pretty boy, the other is all muscled up, the other fawns over Muscles and your oldest and leader is basically a prostitute. Aren't the Kingkas supposed to be perfect and untouchable? Rap Monster certainly isn't untouchable."

"Dude, what is your problem? And Rap Monster isn't a prostitute, he's just trying to get money for his mum. You know Rap Monster will do anything for money. Like break your boyfriend's arm..." V frowned and shook his head.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Doesn't matter. Just because you were dumped doesn't mean you take it out on the people around you, especially when they're just trying to be nice. And extra especially not when they're doing things to help their sick mother, I mean, what would you do to help your mum?" I shrugged.

"I wouldn't know, she's dead. I couldn't do anything to help her... Now if you would excuse me, I have to go see if my old seat in the library is still free." I walked away from him.

"Well I can already tell you that it is, I wouldn't let anyone sit there in the hope you'd come back." V yelled after me. "But now I'm not so sure I want you back."


"V is mad with you." Suga said, sitting down in front of me. He pulled out a bag of lollies and began eating them.

"Wouldn't surprise me..." I sighed, continuing to 'read' the book I had in my hands. I'd read the same sentence over and over for the past ten minutes. I frowned, closing the book and reading the title.

"Isle of View?"

"Excuse me?" Suga frowned at me.

"Huh? Isle of View..." I looked up at Suga.

"I think you're saying that to the wrong person..." I frowned.

"Isle of View... isle of... oh, I get it." I shook my head. "I didn't mean that, it's just the title of the book. I picked it up randomly. It's very punny..." I shook my head again as I stood up and put the book back.

"You should really apologise to V." Suga said, crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair. I shrugged and sat back down.

"I'll see..." Suga frowned and stood up.

"You're not making any friends with that attitude..." I shrugged.

"Maybe I don't want to." Suga huffed and walked off. Once he'd gone, I cursed myself. "Stupid, stupid... Stop being so angry... Just because Bacon left..."

I whacked my head on the desk and kept it there, deciding that when I found V, I'd apologise.



"Do me a favour, Princess.." I said, looking at Jin. "And just confess your goddam feelings already."

"But I can't... he doesn't even like me like that, he's still dealing with the Chanyeol feelings. And guess who's come back." Jin huffed and frowned. "Plus, if V was going to like anyone like that, it'd be J-Hope, you've seen the way those two act together."

"But J-Hope likes Jimin..." I frowned and Jin nodded.

"Yeah, and Jimin likes Jungkook. See? None of this will ever work..." Jin sighed, sitting up and grabbing his pants. "Plus, if I confessed my feelings and it did turn out he likes me back, how would you get paid? You need that money for your mum... Her medicine won't pay for itself."

"I know." I said, frowning. "But I'm getting sick and tired of being called V or Taehyung during these... sessions..." Jin shrugged and finished getting dressed, fixing his hair in the mirror.

"Either way you get paid, and it's not the worst you've done..." Jin smiled and paid me before winking. "I'll see you later."

I sighed as Jin left, sitting and staring into space.

It's not the worst you've done...

My mind drifted back to Baekhyun and the football match.


"I hear you need money..." Changmin said, approaching me. I frowned at him, suspicious of his smile.

"Potentially..." He chuckled and sat next to me.

"Well I have a little task that involves the rival football team... Byun Baekhyun to be exact." My frown deepened.

"What do you want me to do?" Changmin chuckled darkly and looked at me.

"I want you to break his arm."


I'd felt guilty for weeks after, especially because I couldn't go and apologise to Baekhyun, especially not with Changmin watching me.

I sighed and finished getting dressed. I then walked outside and wandered off to one of my many day jobs.



"Heads!!" I felt a strange sense of déjà vu as a ball went flying towards me. Except for once the ball wasn't behind me and I was able to catch it.

"Hey V, catch!" I chucked the ball back to V, who caught it.

"You haven't lost your touch." V chuckled, running up to me. "Even after all these years."

"Well I was pretty brilliant, back in the day..." V nodded, still smiling. "Sorry about being all grumpy earlier..."

"It's alright, I forgive you... But I do have one thing you could do to prove you're really sorry for being grumpy..." I frowned.

"What?" V grinned, causing me to be even more suspicious.

"Join the Bangtan football team again, we need your skills once more to beat BigBang... Please?" V have me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I sighed. "But only because I've wanted to beat that bastard Taeyang for ages now..."


This was a very Chanyeol and BTS orientated chapter... the next one I'll try and put more Baekhyun in it... try being the key word...
Nah I'm kidding, there'll be Bacon.

Two updates in one day, be proud of me...


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