Louis's Turn (part 2)

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Louis's POV

"I can't believe all of you guys got me sick." I blew my nose for the millionth time today.
"Hey, you don't know if all of us did it. It was probably all Harry." Niall pointed out.
Harry spun around at the sound of his name.
"What makes you think it was me?" He asks, pretending to be offended.
"Well he did clean up your puke off the floor, Haz." Liam said.
"But he was around Niall the most, so it was probably him." Harry said defensively.
I buried my head in my pillow at the noise.
"Shut up, it was all of you idiots." I said annoyed.
"Sorry Lou, we'll let you get some sleep." Liam said, pushing the other boys out the door.
Once they finally left I let out a sigh of relief. Don't get me wrong, I love the boys' company, but when you have a migraine and a nauseous stomach you don't really feel like listening to their pointless bickering.
I rolled around for a bit trying to get comfortable but in the end there was no avail. I angrily huffed in annoyance. All I wanted was a little nap. Was that too much to ask?
My head was killing me and my stomach was threatening to push everything I had eaten up my throat at any minute. I don't know how Harry managed to get through the day pretending he wasn't sick. I can barely get out of bed without immediately collapsing. I buried my head into my pillow and curled myself into a ball.
"Liam." I groaned. I wanted some kind of painkillers or something. My head hurt so bad and I felt like throwing up at any given minute. When Liam didn't come the first time I called, I decided to text him assuming he probably just couldn't hear me. Thankfully, Liam immediately saw my text and came in rather quickly.
"Do you want some Advil or something?" Liam offered, rubbing my back in a comforting way.
"I don't know, just something to help." I said in a pain-filled tone.
"Can you tell me what exactly hurts?" He asked softly.
"My head really hurts and I'm also really nauseous." I explained.
Liam hummed in an understanding way.
"Do you feel like you might throw up?" He asked.
"Yeah." I replied shakily.
"I'll go get you some Advil and some stomach relaxers and we'll see if that helps any." Liam said, standing up.
As much as I didn't want him to leave and quit rubbing my back, I really wanted that medicine so I let him go without a word. He came back pretty quickly with my medicine and bottle of water.
"Here take these." Liam said, getting out the recommended dosage for both of them.
"Thanks." I said hoarsely. I quickly downed the pills and laid back down.
"Okay, I'll let you get yours rest and-"
"Liam can you please stay?" I asked, cutting him off.
Liam looked slightly surprised that I had asked him to stay. I don't know if it was because he was used to me annoying him all the time or it was the fact that I'm not usually a cuddly person, but either way he didn't look like he had expected me to ask that.
"Yeah, of course." Liam said, making his way over to the other side of the bed. I scooted over, making room for Liam so he could lay down bedside me.
I was so glad when Liam immediately went back to rubbing my back because it was so calming and relaxing but I definitely didn't want to ask for it because that would be embarrassing. Anyways, he put me to sleep rather quickly and I would be forever grateful for that.

"Shh, you're gonna wake them!" I heard someone say.
"Did you get the picture?"
"Sure did, this is definitely gonna be my new wallpaper." That was a thick Irish accent, telling me that Harry and Niall were probably more than likely goofing around.
"Would you idiots be quiet he finally fell asleep!" That voice came from behind me. Liam was up now apparently. I sat up, rubbing my eyes trying to make since of the words everyone was saying.
"Great, well done you've officially woken him up." Liam said annoyed.
"Sorry Lou, we didn't mean to wake you." Harry apologized.
"It's fine." I mumbled, not really making any sense of my own words.
"Lou since you're up let me take your temperature right quick." Liam said.
I audibly groaned. I was so tired, I didn't feel like having anything shoved in my mouth. I knew I had a fever, was there really a point to this?
"Open up." Liam instructed.
I decided to just do as told. There was no point in arguing about it, I knew I wouldn't win anyways.
"Geez Lou, it's over 102." Liam said surprised.
"Harry go wet a cloth and Niall can you bring some fever reducers?" Liam asked.
Both boys nodded and hurried off to go get the requested items for Liam.
"You don't have to make such a big deal about it." I mumbled.
"Hmm?" Liam hummed.
"I'm not that sick, I'll live. You don't have to take care of me." I said, looking down the entire time.
"Lou..." Liam sighed.
I knew I was about to get an unwanted lecture but I kinda expected it. I just feel bad that everyone is running around after me just because I couldn't protect myself well enough from their stupid bug.
"Louis, you know we'll always be there for you, right? Anytime you're sick, hurt, or just need someone we'll always be there for ya no matter what time of the day it is. Okay?" Liam asked.
I just nodded, looking down.
Just then Harry and Niall came back with everything and handed them to Liam.
"Thanks boys." Liam said.
He made me sit up long enough just so I could take the fever reducers and then he placed the cool, damp rag on my forehead.
"Okay Lou, try to go back to sleep. I'll make sure these two idiots don't wake you up." Liam said, shooting Niall and Harry a glare.
I nodded and soon enough Liam left, along with the other two. I tried to get comfortable again but did not have any luck. Suddenly, out of nowhere I gag and next thing I know I'm running to the bathroom with my hand clamped over my mouth. I made it to the toilet just in time before everything that was in my stomach came right back up into the toilet. I gagged and retched relentlessly, wishing for this misery to end.
Soon enough, I heard someone come into the bathroom and place their hand on my back. I looked over and Harry was there rubbing my back.
"Harry." I sobbed.
I was in so much pain and at this point I didn't care if any of the boys saw me cry.
"Shh, just get it out Lou." Harry said, rubbing gentle circles on my back.
I gagged and after another round I finally finished. I fell back into Harry with a sigh.
"Lou, that was pretty rough. Maybe we should call you a doctor." Harry said worriedly.
"No no. It's just a little tummy bug, I'll be fine." I said, trying to get up.
"Okay, but still. I think it's hitting you a little bit worse than it did the rest of us." Harry said.
"I'll be okay Haz. Don't worry about me." I said. I could tell he didn't quite believe me, but decided to drop the topic for now.
"Okay, let's just get you in bed." Harry said, helping me walk back to my room.
"Where's Liam?" I asked.
"He went to the pharmacy with Niall to get you some more medicine. Apparently we don't have much left." Harry explained.
I nodded.
"Let me check your fever." Harry said, getting up to get the thermometer.
"Open up." He instructed.
I let him slip the device under my tongue and waited for the beep.
"Still over 102." Harry said. "Do you want maybe something to drink?" Harry asked.
I really didn't want to drink anything at the moment. My stomach was still twisted in knots and it felt like if anything went down it would come right back up.
"I know you don't feel like it Lou, but you really don't wanna get dehydrated. What if I got you a Sprite? It might help settle your stomach." Harry offered.
I guess if I had to drink something Sprite would be a better option .
"Sure." I mumbled.
Harry left and quickly came back with my drink.
"Okay Louis, sit up a bit so you drink a little." Harry said.
I sat up slowly, careful not to upset my stomach and accepted the can of Sprite that Harry gave me. I took very slow and small sips, not wanting to risk overdoing it any.
I set the can down on my nightstand and curled back into bed. I noticed how the drink was beginning to not go down as well as I had hoped.
"Harry?" I asked.
"Yeah Lou?"
"I- I think I'm about to throw up." I said getting nervous.
"Okay, let's get you to the bathroom then." Harry said, helping me get out of bed without me falling on my face. As we were headed to the toilet, I suddenly gagged and had to make a run for it to the bathroom, with Harry right behind me. I fell on me knees in front of toilet and immediately started throwing up. Harry moved my hair out of my face and whispered sweet nothings into my ear to try and calm me down. By the time that I was done, I was pale and sweaty mess. I tried to stand but then got really dizzy and almost collapsed.
"Just sit down for a minute and try to relax." Harry whispered to my shaking figure.
I tried taking some deep breaths to try and relax myself but it was no use.
"H- Harry I wanna go to bed." I whined.
"Do you think you can at least stand?" Harry questioned.
I shrugged. I have no idea if I could but all I know is that I was ready to be back in my comfy bed.
"Alright, let's try to get you up. I know you want your bed Lou." Harry said, helping me stand up.
When I got to my feet, Harry practically dragged my weak figure back to my room only to stop in front of my bed.
"Louis you sweated through your sheets. I need to change those." Harry said.
I groaned. I was so tired. Again, all I wanted was a nap. I didn't think it was asking that much.
"I know you wanna sleep but you don't need to sleep on these sheets. I'll be quick , I promise." Harry said. He sat me down in the chair and began to strip my bed and then threw my dirty sheets in the washer. Then he came back with fresh sheets and put them on my bed. It seemed like he took forever but according to Harry, "it only took ten minutes Louis."
I still say he spent at least an hour but whatever. Harry helped me back in bed and I will admit, it did feel nice to be in fresh bed sheets.
Just when I had gotten comfortable and was on the verge of falling asleep,  Liam and Niall came back from the pharmacy and insisted on me taking medicine now. Apparently with the dosage recommended times for taking it, it was a good time to take it. I tried to argue but it didn't work. Long story short, it ended with me taking the stupid pills.
Finally, Harry made them both leave afterwards after noticing that I was getting really sleepy and irritated. Once again I curled up in bed and closed my eyes. Fortunately this time it only took me five seconds to fall asleep.

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