Chapter Seven

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     I sit down at the booth, right in front of my mom and I find it hard  to look at her without tearing up or feeling anger bubble inside me. She smiles at me and I glare, "Is dad alive too? Or did your heart just suddenly change and you are the only one that faked your death? Because now I wouldn't be suprised."


"No." I stand up and grab my purse, "I don't even know why I asked you to this anyway. Don't come near me nor my friends, ever again."

She frowns and I storm out of the cafe, not caring what she has to say.

But I do want to know if my Dad is alive.

There's only one way to find out... And that means I won't find out.

When I make it back to the dorms everyone is still in the girls dorm, watching Netflix and eating tacos... They did this without me? "Pass over the tacos." I demand once I take my seat by Tobias. He whispers in my ear, "How'd it go?" I just shake my head.

Uriah hands me two tacos and we put on The Secret Life Of The American Teenager. "You know Tris, Amy kind of looks like you." Uriah says, everyone else agrees. I guess I can see it. By the time its three in the morning we are to episode thirteen, "Poor Ricky." Christina yawns out, then she passes out on the couch and I look around to see I am officially the only one awake.

It's not the first time.

I don't know about you guys but now I am fully obsessed with The Secret Life Of The American Teenager... I just got Netflix so is there any shows you guys recommend? :D

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