Chapter One: One More Case Closed

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"What about Carina from forensics?" You asked Sherlock hopefully as the two of you made your way out of Scotland Yard, just solving your fourth case this week and on the way to celebrate with fish and chips, both of you starving from refusing to eat on cases.

"No," Sherlock told you with a bored tone present in his voice, his eyes focused on his phone where he was texting John that he could stay at the hospital since the case was officially closed.

"Fine," you puffed, going over possible options in your head before settling on one, "Eliza from the regular force?"

"No," Sherlock pushed open the door, tightening his scarf against the brisk winter wind of London before hurriedly walking off, you trailing behind him.

"Come on Sherlock, you have to move on from Irene at some point," pestering the detective until he sighed, turning around to stare you in the eyes.

"I had no form of sentiment towards Irene, the only form I will ever have is for you, John, Mrs. Hudson, and some others. I do not plan to have more, it is a weakness." He turned to walk down the street once again.

"You know that's just Mikey's bullshit, right? Even he has sentiment, he's been shagging Lestrade for weeks now."

Sherlock rolled his eyes, avoiding the people passing by the two of you on the crowded street, some whispering about you two.

Sherlock paused as your words seemed to finally reach him, "My brother is shagging Lestrade?"

"Gods I really am smarter than you," reaching up you ruffled Sherlock's hair before continuing to walk, "just wait till I tell John and Mary about this. They won't believe it."

Sherlock seemed disturbed, yes that was the word for it. The man froze in the middle of the sidewalk, seemingly lost in his mind palace. People yelling at him to move as he ignored the shouts and unkind words.

"Lovely," you muttered under your breath, taking up the detective's hand in yours and dragging the still out-of-it man to the side, away from crowds.

Snapping your fingers in front of his face didn't seem to be any help, mentally cursing the consulting detective you tried a different approach. Grabbing your bottle of water out of your purse, you opened it, spilling some into the palm of your hand and flicking it at the man's face.

That seemed to do it, Sherlock broke out of his trance, clearing his throat, embarrassed to be caught. "Apologies."

"William I've known you for years, believe me when I say I'm used to it," taking his hand once more Sherlock let you drag him down the street, eventually meeting your pace. "You do owe me food for that."

"Of course I do," Sherlock sighed loudly, his games to make you feel bad not having any effect on you.

"You're the one that didn't ask for money on that private case Monday," the two of you walking shoulder to shoulder now, your mind only focused on one thing, food from both your and Sherlock's favorite fish and chips shop, only a few blocks away from Baker Street.

"They were children, the likelihood of them having any form of compensation was little to none."

"Some sociopath you are," you puffed, pulling up the collar of your trench coat to block the wind, taking down a mental note to steal one of Sherlock's old scarves and possibly an older coat while you were at it.

"They were children Y/N," Sherlock pushed open the door to the shop, not bothering to hold it for you as you walked in behind him.

"And you make me take off of work, which Lestrade was very mad about, and make me miss pay that could help out on my rent to Mrs. H, sounds like a you-problem."

Sherlock sent you a glare as he got in line at the counter, you on your phone beside him, texting Mary about you and Sherlock watching Rosie later in the week so the older Watsons could go on a much-needed date.

"Don't forget, tomorrow at six," You began to speak but Sherlock cut you off.

"When you get home from the case Lestrade assigned we're watching Rosamund, I am aware."

"Good boy," you teased Sherlock ruffling his hair, making him frown before moving up in line, both of you painfully unaware of the staring pair of eyes in the corner, focused on the interaction.

"You know it's very obvious that the-" Sherlock started to rant about the case Scotland Yard had assigned you to run forensics on.

"That the wife did it, I know, it's transparent. I still have to prove it though. It is part of my job to do that."

Sherlock ordered your coffee, him settling for some fancy-sounding tea. Paying for yours and his drinks as the woman taking orders flirted with him. Sherlock ignored her advances as you awkwardly listened as you scrolled through some case files.

"She was annoying," you huffed as both of you moved to a table near the window, watching the busy street full of people and cars.

Sherlock rolled his eyes, pulling up his collar to cover his neck, "Tell me about it."

Getting a weird sense you decided to scan the shop, an instinct picked up from years of cases and being near the Holmes boys. Your eyes finally seeing the mysterious man eyeing you from the corner, "Sherlock. A man is watching us."

"Baker Street?" Sherlock asked as he grabbed the drinks the waitress was just bringing to you.

"Let's go home," you told him, pulling on your coat that had been discarded on the chair. The mysterious man's stare not leaving you even as Sherlock and you left the place.

AN: Reichenbach Fall never happened cause I said so and Mary is still alive cause she owns my heart. Mystrade is canon cause it is my otp <3

Yes for all you mcu fans this will have Loki in it as well as some other dead characters (cough cough Tony and Natasha my beloveds) Anyways toodles toots this is it so get ready for the ride! <3

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