Chapter Fifteen: Apologies

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You walked in silence for a few moments, following behind the timid man down the lengthy corridor of the tower, until you could work up the nerve to speak,"Thank you?"

"Dr. Banner." The man answered, turning to smile at you, you could tell he was a scientist, it was blatantly obvious with his attire and manner that he held himself.

"I'd introduce myself but I'm sure you already know," you laughed as Dr. Banner chuckled.
"What field do you work in?"

"Multiple." He seemed very smart, he had to be if he moved in the tower or worked in it. "Mostly biochemistry, nuclear physics, and I specialize in gamma radiation. Do you work in anything?"

"I have a PHD in forensics, and a masters in chemistry." You smiled as a feeling of fondness overtook you, feeling rather safe with Dr. Banner, as he just gave off a trusting air. "That's actually how I met Sherlock, we attended the same chemistry program at our local college. Engineering is more of a hobby that I picked up."

"Who taught you?" Dr. Banner looked interested as he eyed you up and down before swiping a key card against a white door. "You seem like you know your stuff if you can repair  a phone from completely nothing."

"Sherlock's brother actually." You admitted, Mycroft taught you a lot right after you graduated university, Sherlock tended to not have too many friends so you frequented his company a lot.

Dr. Banner stepped aside as the door swung open after he put in a passcode, letting you go first before the door closed behind him, "Oh? Is his name Mycroft like in the novels?"

"Yes, actually." Admiring the lab, full of all sorts of machines and tools that were any scientist's dream to use. "He's more of the political sort with a few special skills, Sherlock is more-."

"Crime centered?" Dr. Banner guessed, going off to a corner that contained more engineering tools than chemistry or biology.

"How could you tell?" You joked, placing the remnants of your destroyed phone from the fall, strapped to your leg in case Jim decided to check your pockets.

Dr. Banner started to fidget with a large box, you weren't sure but it was but you were fine on your own, "Y/N." He said gaining your attention. "You stay here and work on your phone, I'm going off to get supplies from the closet, I trust you enough to not do anything stupid."

A little while passed before you noticed Dr. Banner returning, "What're you working on?"

"Nanotechnology for Tony's suit." He motioned you over to take a look. "We've evolved it farther than anyone around." He stuck his hand into the box and a suit started to form over the rest of his body, leaving only his head unmasked.

You hummed, amazed, this world was much farther ahead at some technologies than your own, "Do you have enhancements? It seemed like Rogers had something different about him than the average person, I can only assume that since Sherlock and I are in likely a different dimension or world or something that this is the difference between them."

"We just call them powers around here, and yes I do." Bruce blushed as he scratched the back of his head with his armored hand. "I go from Bruce to the Hulk, a big green beast, whenever I'm angry, I'm sure you'll see it someday."


"That's my name, you can call me that if you want, I have a feeling you're not as bad as Tony is making you out to be."

"Thanks, Bruce." You sent the doctor a smile, having a feeling that you could be good friends if time permitted. "Can I see this nanotech up closer?"

Bruce nodded as you walked away to grab your phone  from your table, muttering under his breath, "I have really got to get better at understanding British accents."

No Strings Attached: Doctor Strange x GN Reader (Marvel and Sherlock Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now