Chapter Nineteen: Wine and Dine

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"Evening," you greeted the group as Sherlock walked by your side into the common room.

A chorus of greetings followed as you found two seats, crossing your legs as you sat hands resting on top. Sherlock studied the room, you not so much, relaxing slightly into the chair.

A deeper voice broke the momentary silence, "Should I begin?"

You looked at the man, he seemed somewhat familiar. He wore a light blue Columbia sweatshirt with a pair of maroon pants, worn dark blue sneakers on his feet that were outstretched in a relaxed position away from his body in the chair. His arms were crossed, and he was staring at you but not in a critical manner more of with intrigue, you could imagine he knew the full situation. He had sharp grey streaks, that looked almost unnatural, in his dark brown hair that was lightly gelled straight.

Steve nodded, the man taking it as permission as he began to speak in an informative tone, like he was used to explaining everything he did, "For those of you who dont know me, Mr. Holmes and Mx. Moriarty, my name is Doctor Stephen Strange. I'm one of the top sorcerers of this earth, below the sorcerer supreme, who is a dear friend of mine, and I've been assigned to watch over this particular city and its inhabitants. I was alerted to your presence as soon as you appeared on this earth, but so far nothing has told me that you have harmful intentions."

"We don't," Sherlock spoke loudly, staring Strange down.

"I'm well aware that your arrival was an accident, but you have to see why precautions are needed." Strange tried to reason, you slightly admired how well he handled Sherlock. "This should be easy. With your permission, I will cast an incantation that allows for only the truth to be spoken. I'll question you for a few minutes, and if you have no harmful intentions then congratulations we can eat and drink and you will officially become members of SHIELD and possibly the Avengers."

"You can cast it." You spoke up, speaking for both the detective and yourself.

Strange nodded before he waved his hands in a fluid motion. A light started to reflect from them, the scientist in you wanted to know what tricks he used, but the childlike side long hidden away in the years was nothing but amazed and intrigued. The light shaped itself into a pattern, circling the sorcerer's hands before shooting towards you. It hit Sherlock in the chest first, then came your way. It wasn't painful, more so a light tingling and slight discomfort.

Strange waited for the light from the spell to dissolve before speaking, "What are your intentions for coming to this world?"

"We have none," Sherlock answered for the both of you. "Their brother somehow forced us to come here."

Strange smiled, and the entire room looked more relaxed at the answer, "Do you intend to harm this world now that you are here?"

"No." You answered this time. "Sherlock and I have always helped others, I swore an oath when I joined Scotland Yard, I will not harm anyone unless in danger."

"Very good." Strage paused, searching for another question to ask. "Do you plan to stay here if you do find a way back?"

Sherlock and you answered at the same time, "We do not."

"Thank Nisanti, that could cause an issue," Strange muttered under his breath, loud enough for the people nearest to hear. "It's done, thank you for your participation."

Tony clapped, "Time to wine and dine." Pietro, who had been napping during the entire interrogation on Wanda's shoulder, startled awake at the loud noise falling out of his spot on one of the couches.

The food was already strong outside of the kitchen, there wasn't quite one place you could imagine it being from, seeming like a blend of cultural foods. Thor held the door open for the group as everyone slowly crowded in, the entire long counter of the kitchen covered with different foods.

No Strings Attached: Doctor Strange x GN Reader (Marvel and Sherlock Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now