Chapter Twenty-Two: Partners in Crime

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AN: this hasn't been edited that much, so I likely will be doing some updates to it later!

Standing in the cockpit, a series of screens with information surrounded you, "The technology on this jet is amazing."

"Thanks, I invented it." Tony flashed a grin from the pilot's seat. "Any hunches yet?"

You hummed, Sherlock was in the back still going over the case in his mind, "The events appear to be scattered but I'm sure that there's a reason. There's always a reason."

Tony turned to look in the back, seeing Sherlock focused on the wall,  "Tall, dark, and handsome come up with anything?"

"Not yet. He's busy brooding over the details."

Tony chuckled, before looking at the map displayed on the jet's screen, "Alright, tell him we land in five. He might want to break away from his pity party."

Looking out the window the quinjet passed over a muddy lake. It stretched towards the shore of a mountain, the rest bordered by mud and rocks.

"That's rather depressing." Musing out loud Loki joined you at the side to take in the scenery. "Where's the village?"

"About half a mile away," Loki responded, motioning for you to sit down as the quinjet started its descent. "We'll have to hike, we don't know how many locals are left and don't wish to make a bigger scene than possible."

Sherlock seemed to finally break out of his thoughts, as he grumbled, "Lovely."

"Alright, buttercups!" Tony came out looking too cheery for the situation after the jet had landed. "Let's lock and load."

You were confused by the lack of care from the billionaire and the god, "Don't we need weapons or something?"

"Nanotech, remember?" Tony tapped the glowing circle on his chest. "Horns can summon things on his own. But I guess it would be cruel to not give you anything."

Tony went to a keypad on the side of the jet, entering a code before a latch opened, revealing a wall of assorted weaponry, "Just don't shoot me, please that's happened enough."

Sherlock laughed, before he chose a simple pistol, "How often do you get shot?"

Loki muttered under his breath, "Not enough."

You smirked before looking closely at the wall. Your eyes were drawn to a small knife and a pistol. The pistol was remarkably similar to the one you owned at home, hidden in a drawer of your flat, a gift from Lestrade after solving an outside case. The knife was just a convenience, it never hurt to be prepared.

The bay of the jet opened as you were finished hiding the weapons on your personnel. The day was cloudy, matching the muddy lake and shore the jet was parked upon.

Loki interrupted the momentary silence, "Should we split up?"

Tony looked at you and Sherlock before Sherlock held up a hand silencing him, "Stark, Y/N here is a trained member of the force, and our best friend is a retired armed forces doctor. We are well trained enough to handle ourselves."

Tony glanced at Loki who only shrugged, sass evident in his actions, "You really trust me to make good decisions?"

"Good point." Tony sighed, rubbing his hand against his temple. "If you two get in trouble, it's not my fault. Kapeesh?"

You saluted him mockingly, before exiting the ship, "Kapeesh."

Stepping onto the ground the mud made a squishy sound beneath your boot. You pointed to the shore that was against the mountainside, on the opposite side of the lake from where the four of you stood,  "I'll take over there."

No Strings Attached: Doctor Strange x GN Reader (Marvel and Sherlock Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें