Chapter Twenty: Fake Cases

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The meal wrapped up after an hour or two. Not much was learned about the other team members, most only learned about the two Asgardian gods and sorcerer, who gladly exchanged pleasantries, seeming like a small friend group of magic users to your outside eyes.

While dinner was nice it was unimaginable what it could be like when the full team was present. Dinners back home were typically small with Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson and occasionally the Watsons and elder Holmes brother.

The group had spread out, some lounging in the common room with their wines and listening to music. Other still were at the table, mostly younger member like Peter and the twins and the other that did not call this world their home or with fated magic.

"So," Clara looked at Peter who immediately caught on, as they both shouted, "Movie night!"

"Hey dipshits, some of us are trying to realx!" Tony yelled.

"Hey Stank," Clara and Loki both shot him the bird even if he could not see it, "Why don't you try to not be an asshole?"

Silence was meet in the rooms end.

"What movies are we watching with our guests?" Thor asked eating his desert, a lone strawberry poptart.

Peter held out his phone to the group before showing yourself and Sherlock last, the poster of the movie saying Sherlock Holmes, a man that looked awfully like Tony in the forefront.

"Time to see what the modern world thinks of us.'' Peter grabbed your arm excitedly leading you as the rest of the smaller group followed.

"I thought you were returning to the sanctum?" Loki fell behind the group in pace with Strange. "Is Master Wong not leaving come morning?"

"Aren't you the god of lies?" Strange teased as Loki softened. ""It was meant as an excuse for Rogers and Stark, I actually dont mind this."

"Fair." A green glow shifted over the god washing away to revea; a carbon copy of Tony Stark with a shit-eating grin. "How about now?"

Strange opened a portal before the jotun could step aside, making him yelp as he fell. The sorcerer paused contently smirking at the ground for a minute before opening another Loki face planting onto the ground, "Done annoying me?"

The god let out a muffled yes covered by the carpet.

You interrupted the twos mini feud, surprising both of them not knowing you were a silent observer of the encounter. "So men arent more mature in this universe, I'll have to make a  note of that."

Loki chuckled, sitting up as he held his head, "Not a man."

"Still stupid," you smirked, walking away towards the movie room where Sherlock was holding a seat for you next to him and Peter.

The movie had started but was so far uninteresting, based on a case that been gone over too many times to count in your mind, "Do you have any idea what case we're going on tomorrow?"

Sherlock looked at you, not really focused on the movie but moreso in his own mind, "None at all. However, it has to be a large one, I read up a little on SHIELD, they're a well established organization."

"Peter," you nudged the teen, on your other side, focused on the movie. "Can I borrow your phone?"
"Sure!" Peter took out his phone before facing it away, tapping at the screen furiously. "Just give me one second to exit out some tabs."

Strange on the other side of Peter, able to see his phone looked interested at what the teen was doing. "Parker, do Y/N and Sherlock know how much you've been telling Ned about them?"

No Strings Attached: Doctor Strange x GN Reader (Marvel and Sherlock Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now