Chapter Eighteen: The Intern

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The boy, as it turns out, was named Peter Parker. Him and Tony appeared to have an interesting relationship, not quite father and not quite son but not quite mentor and not quite student.

Peter seemed overly apologetic for his actions, "I'm sorry Mx. Moriarty, I really am. Mr. Stark told me about you over the phone and I wanted to come visit and say hello."

"Maybe just don't sneak up on people from the ceiling next time." Trying to regain your breath, heart still racing because it wasn't every day someone crawled on the ceiling and made a sudden announcement. "What exactly are your powers? And why are you a teenager working with adults?"

"Peter is an-" Tony started to speak before Peter cut him off.


"No." Tony sent a warning glance to the teen, "He's an intern."

"Sorry, kiddo." Understandment hidden on your face as you tried to cheer up the teen. "Maybe you'll get there one day."

Tony shook his head at the troubled teenager, evidently not the happiest at his mentor, "He's supposed to be here interning at the lab with Bruce today and then going on patrol, but it seems like he had other plans."

"Mr. Stark, I just wanted to say hi." Peter started, continuing even as Tony held up a hand to try and silence him. "If they're gonna be on the team or working in cases like you said, I thought it would be best if I know them. And they're a really cool character."

"That is a sentence I have to get used to." Rubbing your head, you looked to the door, hoping Sherlock would pop in, in the annoying way he always did. "How far back do my novels date, exactly?"

"1887." Peter responded quickly, getting weird glances in response. "I'm on academic decathlon, okay?"

"Do I ever appear individually?" You took out your phone, trying to see if somehow it could connect to the internet in the tower, because maybe you would be able to find out more of what Doyle wrote. As of now it seemed you only had limited access to files and tabs previously opened.  "Or is it always with Sherlock?"

"Always with him. You do appear more than Watson in the later stories." Now that actually happened to make sense.

"Ah, Doyle. Must've been aware of the wedding." You couldn't blame John, neither could Sherlock even if he hadnt seen it at first. Mary was an amazing woman, a Godsend for the retired army doctor, and Rosie was a truly lovely child. "I don't think he was around for Rosie's birth. It came after his departure."

"Is Mr. Holmes still here?" Peter tried peering out the room, failing to spot the consulting detective. "I can't hear him."

"He's actually quite loud normally, although right now I believe he's rather preoccupied."

"Oh, shit." Peter cursed, taking out his phone
to show Tony a text, who winced and audibly groaned. "That must've been what Clara was talking about, they're a huge Wholockian."

Tony shook his head, "I should've known."

You were slightly confused, never having heard of that exact term and not exactly sure what it was made of. "What exactly is that?"

"Trust me." Peter sent you a warning look. "You don't want to know."

"Fury just texted." Tony interrupted before you could ask anything else, it might have been a coincidence and it might have not, after all you couldn't really blame him for wanting to get out of that conversation and that topic. "There's a case that should be available to start tomorrow, Strange will come by later tonight. I'll order some food and drinks"

You knew New York food was particularly expensive, especially in the very center of the city in one of the tallest buildings. "Isn't that expensive for how many people are living here?"

No Strings Attached: Doctor Strange x GN Reader (Marvel and Sherlock Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now