13 0 0

Gender: Male

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Quirk: Cremation

Quirk Type: Emitter

Hair: (birth: short, spiky, crimson; naturally: short, spiky and white; dyed: short, spiky, black)

Height: 5' 9 ¼"

Alias / Alternate Personality: Dabi

Eyes: Ice blue

Personality: sarcastic, stubborn, passionate, protective, isolated, closed-minded, proud, crude, caustic, mentally unstable, introverted

Everyday clothing: old white T-shirt with black jeans and a white leather belt, black leather boots; occasionally will wear aviator shades, converse, and a oversized black hoodie if going out to hide his scars

Combat clothing: a long black leather coat that extends down to the knees with a silver stitch design on each of the shoulders (heat conductors cuffs attached to the sleeves), black leather pants, white leather belt, black studded boots

Extra weapons/support items: heat conductor cuffs (used to regulate body temperature and keep Quirk from self-inflicting damage), two carbon steel switchblades, a pair of silver spiked metal knuckles

Likes: MCR, emo/punk music, Taylor Swift (but will never admit it), chaos, drinking, electric guitars, rap, dancing (heavily guarded secret), soft things, rain, cats

Dislikes: Keigo's sass, Toga's immaturity, hangovers, when other people are driving, fish, hero society, people who think they know everything, cheap hair dye

Strengths: motivation, callousness, raw power

Weaknesses: anger issues, lets emotions get in the way of battle, his own Quirk harms himself if he loses control, PTSD/Dissociative Personality Disorder

Family: Shoto Todoroki (younger brother), Natsuo Todoroki (younger brother), Fuyumi Todoroki (younger sister), Enji Todoroki (father), Rei Todoroki (mother)

Fighting Style: long-range combat

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationships (non-family): Keigo Takami (ex-lover and best friend), Sakura Tatsuma (girlfriend), Himiko Toga (like a younger sister), Twice (friend), Spinner (friend), Yui Aoki (friend and support item connection), Shigaraki (former boss), Mr. Compress (friend)

Affiliation: Vanguard Action Squad (formerly), League of Villains (formerly), Anti-Hero Association

Status: Co-Commander of Anti-Hero Association, Founder of Endeavor's Hate Club

WANTED FOR: Murder of Pro Hero Snatch, Arson, Kidnapping, Aggravated Assault

Kill Count: 33 (as of the beginning of ANARCHY)

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