PHOENIX/PHTA: Toya Todoroki

11 0 0

Class: 2119

Sex & Gender: Cis Male

Quirk: Cremation

Birthday: January 18, 2101

Quirk Type: Emitter

Hair: short, spiky crimson that eventually turns completely white

Height: 5' 9 ¼"

Hero Name: Cremation Hero: Third-Degree

Nicknames: Fire Hazard (by Rumi and everyone in school), FireFace (by Rumi), Wielder of the Blue Flame (Geten)

Eyes: ice blue

Personality: sarcastic, stubborn, passionate, protective, isolated, introverted, insecure, determined, driven, anxious, underestimated

Everyday clothing: (School uniform- white-button up with gray overcoat and gray pants with black dress shoes and gray/black tie); white T-shirt with black skinny jeans and black Converse with bright blue hoodie (sometimes a black hoodie)

Combat clothing: black top and pants with glowing neon blue designs and a silver belt with silver boots (detailed description in PHOENIX AU)

Extra weapons/support items: controller cuffs (help maintain his temperature), controller gloves

Likes: soft things, punk rock, Elton John, soba, energy drinks, alcohol, dancing, driving, sleeping, cold showers, stars/constellations/astronomy 

Dislikes: car rides, fish, needles, heights (to an extent), Geten

Strengths: raw power, motivation

Weaknesses: anger issues, Quirk harms himself if he loses control, carsick, anxiety (GAD specifically), drinks to forget on occasion

Family: Shoto Todoroki (younger brother), Natsuo Todoroki (younger brother), Fuyumi Todoroki (younger sister), Enji Todoroki (father), Rei Todoroki (mother)

Fighting Style: Long-Range Combat
Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationships: Keigo Takami (friend to boyfriend to fiancé to husband by the end of PHOENIX ), Rumi Usagiyama (rival to best friend), Kenji Geten (rival to arch enemy), Shinji Nishiya (friend), Yu Takeyama (acquaintance), Ryuko Tatsuma (friend), Miyuki Sero (rival)

Affiliation:  (by the ending) Private Hero Training Academy graduate, member of Team Phoenix

Status: active

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