8 0 0

Gender: Male

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Quirk: Fierce Wings

Quirk Type: Mutant

Hair: medium length, blonde

Height: 5' 7 ¾"

Alias: Hawks

Eyes: gold

Personality: narcissist, confident, easygoing, carefree, sassy, compassionate, optimistic, extroverted

Everyday clothing: loose black T shirt with gold lining at the neck ring, black aviator jacket, black sneakers, baggy black pants

Combat clothing: black athletic shirt with wavy golden pattern like a ripple in a pond, tan jacket with high collar and insides and cuffs of sleeves lined with white fur, black gloves, black combat boots, golden vision visor and headphones

Extra weapons/support items: night vision goggles, yellow headphones (protect against sonic bursts)

Likes: KFC, spending time with Toya, flirting, poker, flying, pancakes, Christmas, Beyonce, acoustic guitars, puns, animals, cinnamon rolls, beaches, AC/DC

Dislikes: Toya when he is having anger issues, sad dog commercials, spoilers, hot weather, windows (he frequently flies into them)

Strengths: cooperative, quick thinking in battle, speed, agility,

Weaknesses: easily distracted, will put himself in harm's way before others, ADHD

Family: unnamed criminal father

Fighting Style: ranged & support combat

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationships (non-family): Toya Todoroki (ex-lover, best friend), Rumi Usagiyama (former friend), Fumikage Tokoyami (former pupil)

Affiliation: Hero Commission (formerly), Anti-Hero Association

Status: Number One Pro Hero (formerly), Anti-Hero, Anti-Hero Association Communications Expert and Flight Support

WANTED FOR: Aiding and Abetting/Accessory, Voluntary Manslaughter, Second-Degree Murder

Kill Count: 6 (as of the beginning of ANARCHY)

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