PHOENIX/PHTA: Rumi Usagiyama

11 0 0

Class: 2119

Sex & Gender: Cis Female

Quirk: Rabbit

Birthday: March 1, 2101

Quirk Type: Mutant

Hair: long, straight and white

Height: 5' 2 ½"

Hero Name: Rabbit Hero: Mirko

Nicknames: CottonTail (by Toya), Rue (by everyone close to her), Carrots (by Toya), Playboy (By Toya), Hopscotch (by Keigo)

Eyes: red

Personality: extroverted, confident, feminist, independent, quick-witted, fun-loving

Everyday clothing: (School uniform - black kneesocks with black heeled shoes and a black skirt; white-button up with gray overcoat and grey/blue tie),

Combat clothing: white/purple/gold bodysuit

Extra weapons/support items: impact/shock resistant rabbit boots

Likes: pop music, workouts, cereal, orange juice, running, photography, winning

Dislikes: mansplaining, homewreckers, life hack videos

Strengths: raw strength, high energy

Weaknesses: overactive muscles

Family: none

Fighting Style: melee based combat

Sexuality: omnisexual

Relationships: Keigo Takami (best friend), Toya Todoroki (rival to best friend), Ryuko Tatsuma (best friend/girlfriend), Shinji Nishiya (friend), Yu Takeyama (frenemy)

Affiliation: (by the ending) Private Hero Training Academy graduate, member of Team Phoenix

Status: active

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