7 0 0

Gender: Female

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Quirk: Transform

Quirk Type: Transformation

Hair: long, ash blonde (usually in loose space buns)

Height: 5'2"

Alias: Vamp Girl

Eyes: golden yellow

Personality: psychotic, obsessive, possessive, immature, girly, hyperactive, sadistic, erratic, extroverted

Everyday clothing: dark blue top and skirt with double white trim, paired with a loosely tied red scarf; oversized beige cardigan with long hems and cuffs; knee-length black socks and dark brown dress shoes with thick heels (pink A-line coat after ANARCHY Chapter Two)

Combat clothing: Same as everyday clothing except with transfusion mask, boxes of knives strapped to thighs, navy blue utility belt around waist with boxes for holding blood tubes and medical supplies (burn salves and gauze to Quirk-infused pills that should heal internal bleeding) ; loose black mask around neck with metal in shape of canine grin

Extra weapons/support items: transfusion mask, knives and daggers

Likes: blood, Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, squirrels, dancing, nightcore, theatre, makeup, true crime documentaries, video games, milkshakes, painting nails, fanfiction, Stain, pomegranates

Dislikes: Shigaraki, teachers' pets, super loud noises, hero society, rollercoasters

Strengths: doesn't let emotions get in the way of battle, cold-blooded killer

Weaknesses: naïve, spastic, psychopathic

Family: none

Fighting Style: Armed melee combat (various knives)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationships (non-family): Izuku Midoriya (crush), Ochaco Uraraka (crush), Twice (best friend), Sakura Tatsuma (like an elder sister), Toya Todoroki (like an elder brother), Spinner (friend), Shigaraki (former boss)

Affiliation: League of Villains (formerly), Anti-Hero Association

Status: Serial Killer, Anti-Hero, Anti-Hero Association Brawler and Medic
WANTED FOR: Aggravated Assault, First-Degree Murder, Second-Degree Murder, Homicide, stalking

Kill Count: ??? (high)

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