PHOENIX/ Playing With Fire: Himiko Toga

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Name: Himiko Toga

Sex & Gender: Cis Female

Birthday: August 7, 2108

Quirk: Transform

Quirk Type: Transformation

Hair: long, ashe blonde (usually in loose space buns)

Height: 5'2"

Vigilante Name: Vampire Hero: Lilith

Nicknames: Vamp Girl

Eyes: golden yellow

Personality: psychotic, obsessive, possessive, girly, hyperactive, erratic, extroverted

Everyday clothing: pleated red skirt with black thigh-highs accented with red hearts; oversized black cardigan with long hems and cuffs; white top paired with a loosely tied red scarf (she frequently bleaches the top to keep out bloodstains); black combat boots

Other clothing: half-shoulder bright crimson knee length dress with black stilettos and a ruby pendant with silver chain (adult in Playing With Fire)

Combat clothing: underneath any disguise, she always wears a black Spandex catsuit with black combat boots; she has a black utility belt where she carries blood vials and has garters for knife sheaths.

Extra weapons/support items: various knives (may add more later)

Likes: blood, Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, dancing, theatre, makeup, milkshakes, painting nails, fanfiction, Stain, pomegranates, true crime documentaries, podcasts, fruity scents

Dislikes: super loud noises, rollercoasters

Strengths: swift and quick-witted

Weaknesses: naïve, spastic, psychopathic slightly, impatient

Family: none

Fighting Style: armed melee combat (various knives)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationships: Atsuhiro Sako (boss), Jin Bubaigawara (best friend/ally), Kenji Hikiishi (friend / ally), Shuichi Iguchi (friend / ally), Ochaco Uraraka (crush), Izuku Midoriya (crush), Toya Todoroki (eventual ally)

Affiliation: League of Vigilantes

Status: at large

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