PHTA: Yurei Yanagi

4 0 0

Class: 2119

Sex & Gender: Cis Male

Quirk: Poltergeist

Age: October 31, 2101

Quirk Type: Emitter

Hair: Silver and long, covering one eye

Height: 5' 8"

Hero Name: Phantom

Nicknames: Freakshow 

Eyes: crystal blue

Personality: soft-spoken, mellow, observant, tactful, artistic

Everyday clothing: (School uniform- white-button up with gray overcoat and gray pants with black dress shoes and gray/black tie); gray hoodie with black sweatpants and black sneakers

Combat clothing: silver shawl over a black breathable long-sleeved top and silver trousers with black boots

Extra weapons/support items: none

Likes: Stephen King, reading, drawing, cool summer nights, meditation

Dislikes: conflict, drama, showboating, obnoxious personalities

Strengths: skilled in his Quirk from years of practice with his parents, maintains a level-head no matter the situation

Weaknesses: can only move objects with up to a cumulative weight of an average person, occasionally gets migraines if he uses his Quirk too much because of the mental strain

Family: Reiko Yanagi (little sister)

Fighting Style: long-range Combat

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationships: Miku Torino (eventual girlfriend), Ryuko Tatsuma (friend), Asuga Ida (friend)

Affiliation: Private Hero Training Academy graduate (eventually)

Status: active

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