Headcanons and otherz (Updated, Again)

825 17 78

Everyone is human
And this is only the main characters
All beta designs


-1st year


-Kinda threw herself into college out of the blue

-Canon hair style just a little bit longer and more of a mess

-Ends up sharing a dorm with Willow

-Bi bitch

-Refuses sleep

-Has three parents

-She calls Raine Moddy, Eda Mom and Camila Mami

-Has four siblings Hunter, Vee, King and Owlbert

-Kings real names is Kai and Owlberts real name is Owen but everyone calls them King and Owlbert, Luz started those nicknames

-Called Lulu or Lu by family and close friends



-Has, ADHD, ADD, anxiety,  PTSD and eating disorder

-Is almost late to class constantly

-Always sleeps in when she can

-Never studied once in her life

-Family lives on a farm cuz yes

-Family also owns a music store named 'Brad music shop'

-Has scars

-Loves Japanese and Thai food

-Plays drums, bass, electric guitar and the violin

-Sings occasionally

-Made multiple cover of her favorite songs

-Plays soccer, volleyball, baseball and hockey


-1st year


-Has brown hair that's dyed blonde

-Later dyed hair :3

-Has a under cut

-Shares a dorm with Boscha

-Sleeps in bedroom bathroom most nights cuz of Boschas snoring

-Gay fuck

-Has anxiety, depression and PTSD

-Studies a lot

-Never goes home on break days

-Sleeps in during weekends

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