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Kids Who Need T h e r a p y

Bloom: what if people had food names and food had people names

Iphone13: "hey spaghetti time for dinner"

Thing1: "what are we having"

Iphone13: "margaret"

Essay: I swear everyone here is high

Thing2: "shut up chocolate"

Pot girl: you all need help

Iphone13: help is to expensive

Thing1: yeah making ourselves everyones problem is cheaper and easier

Essay: if u come crying to me abt stupid shit I'm kicking u out

Iphone13: what if I'm hungry 🥺

Essay: pack ur shit

Iphone13: 😭 AMZ U TRAITOR

Essay: hope u like ur new roommate Willow

Pot girl: oh naw baby doll that ain't gonna work

Iphobe13: no one wants me 🤧

Bloom: correction, no one wants ur snoring or ur bullshit

IPhone13: love u too babez -3-

Bloom: leave immediately

IPhone13: BYE I LOVE U

IPhone13: oh fuck they found me

*Iphone13 is offline*


*Essay is offline*

Bloom: yes ma'am

3rd Pov

Boscha quickly ran down the school halls stuffing her phone in her back pocket. She was trying to skip class but was caught by a teacher who heard her cries in the janitors closet. Sadly that was her go to hiding spot so another she would have to find soon.

Sharply turning a corner she could hear the teacher yell at her to stop or go to the principals office. Like she was gonna do that. Taking an other sharp corner she crashed into someone.

Boscha and the kid hit the ground hard as she was running horribly fast. "Ah fuck," she looked at the person who was on the ground next to her. They had already sat up and were rubbing their head.

The kid had tan skin, short dark brown hair and a maroon beanie. They had a yellow bag with multiple pins and patches on it. They wore a jacket that way split into two colors, the top half being a darkish purple and the bottom half being a dark grey the sleeves that had some white outlines of eyes on the lower half and the hood had some sort of ears on it. They also wore a striped purple and white shirt underneath and ripped blue jeans that were extremely baggie.

"Shit I'm sorry dude!" Boscha quickly stood up and offered a hand to which the person gladly took. Boscha leaned back helping the person up before apologizing again, "I am so sorry! I didn't see you." The kid laughed and waved their hand. "It's no problem."

Once Boscha heard the teachers voice grow louder she took off, "sorry! Can't get caught!" She shouted before tuning left and running down the hallway. The teacher walked up to the kid out of breath. "Hey which way did she go?"

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