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3rd Pov

The mall had been very crowded. In it's defense it was the weekend. The group decided to stay together as Amity was the one paying and no one wanted to go on a wild goose hunt multiple times to find her. So they stayed together and blocked the paths of many others. Some had a problem and decided to be a bitch prompting Amity to kick their ass.

"Okay I'm just saying I'm the higher one on this famous chain!" Skara argued.

"How?! My family is richer than yours!" Boshca shouted back.

"I work with Raine who's head violinist in B-A-T-S! They're famous for their music and solos!"

"No! You work for Raine not with them!"

"My family OWNS a world WIDE business! So shut it!" Amity tiredly argued back.

As the group kept arguing Emira guided them into hot topic where a person with black, shoulder length hair greeted them at the cash register. "Welcome in! I'm Masha yell if ya need anything." They waved, Emira quickly responded. "Hey there, what happened to Andy?" As the two kept talking Viney stayed near her girlfriend while the others wondered off looking at various things.

Amity wonder off into the pins section with Boshca, Skara went into merch, Willow and Gus went to jewelry and Edric was looking at snacks and drinks that were laid out. As they looked and ponder what to get Amity got a lesbian pin, Boshca got a ghost pin, pan pin and a bongo cat pin, Skara got multiple anime merch, Willow got a mushroom necklace, a ring that looked like vines wrapped around her finger, Gus got a weird miniature mirror and Edric got pointless snacks and drinks.

As they were at checkout Emira and Viney still talking to Masha, the others butting in at random times the bell ringing caught everyone attention. A girl walked in, she looked almost exactly like Luz, Willow thought. Same skin color, same eyes, same nose, face, eyebrows. If Willow hadn't seen Luz before hand she wouldn't have noticed the differences.

Luz had a scar cutting across her left eyebrow, she was taller, had shorter hair and a more muscular build from what Willow could see. The imposter also had faded blonde color at the bottom of her hair, like she dyed it before. The girl had obviously confused everyone but Masha.

"Hey Willow isn't that your roommate?" Gus asked pointing a finger at the girl. Willow shook her head as the girl smiled and waved her hand. "I'm guessing you think I'm Luz, right?" The group nodded and Masha laughed behind them. "Nah fam that's Vee her twin." Vee smiled and walked up to them. "Glad to know Luz is making friends, just be patient with her and she'll come around."

Masha gasped and started shuffling around grabbing a key card and tossing it to Vee. "Speaking of Luz we got some new pants, I think she'll like how they feel." Vee smiled before running to the back, "thanks babe!" Masha waved, as soon as Vee disappeared they looked back at the group.

"So Luzer is your roommate?" They questioned looking at Willow. The protective like presents the group felt sent shivers down their spines. Willow nodded, "yeah for three ish days. She seems really nice." She answered shrugging. Masha nodded their head in agreement as she swiped everyone's items across. "She is, nicest person I know actually. Like Vee said please be patient with her, she has a hard time with people her age and adults."

Soon Masha was done swiping and ringing them up, Amity handed them the card and they swiped it, Vee came out of the back a moment later with six pairs of pants.
"Oh yeah Luz will love these! They feel nice and some have unique patterns." Masha smiled, "thank fuck, I wasn't sure if that was a feeling that she liked so I wanted to run it by you first." Vee walked up to her and kissed them on the cheek, "it's perfect thank you."

After Masha returned Amity's card the group left waving to the two as they left. The group migrated to the food quart were they sat down at a large table as Emira took her dads card to pay for food for everyone. "So Luz has a twin." Edric said, "now me and Em aren't alone." Amity groaned and slammed her hand down on the table, "NO I can't even deal with you and Em!" Gus shrugged "she seemed nice too." Skara nodded, "so was Masha!"

"Didn't Luz say Vee had two partners? I wonder were the other one is." Viney cut in. "Maybe at their job or something." Willow suggested. Soon Emira came back holding a tray drowning in food. "I like both of them." Viney grabbed a soft drink and a baked potato, "still I think we should take their advice and be patient with Luz." They nodded as they grabbed their food and dug in.

Multiple stores later and Willow carrying more than half the shit everyone got, they made their way to the cars and helped Willow load everything into the trunks. "Oh shit." Everyone turned to Skara, "I need to stop by work for some new strings- can we head over there?" Willow looked at Amity who nodded. "Sure, I think the twins needs something for their trombones anyways."

Skara smiled and pumped her fist in the air, "yes! Lets go, let's go!" She shouted throwing the backseat door open before hopping into the middle. That cause Gus to complain and Boshca to tell him to shove it as she got in. Amity shook her head as she climbed into the diver seat, Willow shut the trunk and got into the passenger seat, Emira and Edric jumped into Viney's car.

The two cars took off heading in the direction of Bard music shop. Amity blasted music to drowned out the sound of the kids fighting in the back seat as Willow laughed beside her.

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