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3rd Pov

The squad had stayed so long that they soon had to return back to campus, as they were saying goodbye Willow asked Luz if she would like to car pull with them as she had walked there. She shrugged and simply said 'nah I got to help moddy close anyways.' Before they left Luz ran outside to give a wave as she smiled.

"Looks like our little owl is getting along with people nicely." Raine teased when Luz walked back up to them. Much like Skara she blushed. "I-well-" Luz started, looking down at her fingers and picking off the skin by her nails. It was a nervous habit, it was the reason why they ran out of bandaids so quickly as she made herself bleed.

Raine could see she was struggling so they cut her off. "Skara's a good kid, I bet her friends are as kind as her." Luz gave short nod, "Willow's nice- well I mean she's been nice to me." Raine hummed in acknowledgement "she's the Park's kids after all. She's also your roommate?" Luz sat down on the table dangling her feet.


"Are you scared?"

"I mean yeah- but I shouldn't be scared she's shown me nothing but kindness so far, but-"

Raine put their hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You can feel whatever it's not a crime. And it's ok to be scared in this situation, you had you're fair share of bad friendships. So when someone who's nice comes along it's ok to feel scared, or suspicious." They explained trying to show they knew how their daughter felt.

Sighing Luz nodded, "very scared." Her head hung low. She looked at her shoes, her untied shoe laces on her right foot swung with her as she gently swung her feet forward and backward. "I don't-" Luz stopped, unable to explain how she felt. Fear, fear was wrapped around her like a web, scared that if she showed her real self then the web would suffocate her.

"It feels like I'm standing on glass. Just one wrong move then, crack."

Emotions wasn't something that the young Clawthrone was good at that being expressing, accepting and let alone explaining. There was so much to say yet limited words she knew, none of which could match up with how she exactly felt. Every time she would get close to finding the right word or sentence it would get stuck in her throat no longer feeling right.

"I think the expression of 'you're on thin ice' might match up." Raine tried to offer but Luz just shrugged. She was greatful that they were trying to help her, but she couldn't find it in herself to care at this point. Talking about her emotions drains her. She focuses so hard on trying to explain on what she's feeling and ends up tiring herself out. Leaving all her energy to be sucked up.

"I am happy though." Her voice was quiet, Raine thought they were imaging it but when they looked over at their daughter they saw a small smile on her face. "Scared? Extremely but im also excited." A laugh pushed through her lips. "Now I have more people to bug about the good Azara, now I have more people to talk to and I have more friends.''

An other bell ringing came echoed in the room, a boy with short blond hair and brown eyes made his way in. He was wearing a soft yellow hoodie, blue jeans and white crocs. A red cardinal sat on his shoulder giving a small tweet when it spotted Luz. "Your truck sucks!" He shouted at his sister smiling.

His sister laughed throwing her head back, "leave Hooty alone! He's working over time to run." Outside the store was a old brown beat up truck that dead ass looked like Mater from Cars. He was around a decade old and had a ton of things wrong with him.

The ac didn't work, if you were in reverse with the heater on the car will quite literally exploded, the passenger window didn't role up, the steering wheel can and will pop off if you pull on it to hard, if you break to fast the hood comes up and much more. But the most notable thing about the car is it constantly makes a 'Hoot' sound like a owl is trapped inside whenever it's running.

And that was Luz's pride and joy, her child if you will. She loved the thing to death and refuses to take it to a junk yard. Whenever asked why she responses with the same thing. 'What car plays little miss perfect on a loop when you turn it on?' That was probably the thing Luz loved most about Hooty and the thing everyone hated about Hooty. When you turn the truck on the radio it on a constant loop of little miss perfect. It started about two years ago and never once stopped.

The song had sense been in planted into Hunters head. Promptly traumatizing him from the song and the truck all together. The only reason why he drove Hooty was because he didn't have a car. Or correction he had a car but his 'uncle' destroyed the thing once he found out where they lived. The car was a red mustang, in perfect condition, Hunter tried his damn best to take care of it. The only person who he allowed to drive it was Luz.

But now he had been saving up his money for a new car and using his family's cars or catching a ride in his boyfriends car. Trying his best to avoid public transportation as he didn't like people all to much. Shaking his head he walked up to Luz and playfully punched her shoulder. "I'm going to fucking burn that car when you get a new one." Before Luz could ask why Hunters answered. "That thing is haunted! No car screams HOOT every morning, evening and night!"



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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