Chapter 5

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(A/N dedicated for Anneloesje for coming up with Katherine . And finally updated Yeeah! It’s passed 1.30 AM I should go to sleep

Oh and Sarah? If you read this; ghehehe all the dominance ships, prepare yourself)

9 years ago

Do you know those moments when you’re just so bored you don’t even know what to do with yourself anymore? You’ll try everything you can possibly think of just to stop being bored. But nothing actually helped. Mr Stark had taken Sophie to see a nearby car exposition. Now, I knew for a fact that Sophie had absolutely no interest in cars whatsoever, the only reason she had happily joined him was because she had missed him. I was left on my home. Technically, I wasn’t completely alone as many of the other children were sprawled out on the couches on the other side of the room, or doing homework at the kitchen table, but I was lonely.

‘Emily?’ The sound of my name being called brought me back to reality. I lifted my face and met a pair of striking grey eyes that almost appeared to be transparent when the light shone on them from a particular angle.

‘What do you want Katherine?’ My voice sounded harsh and rude. I didn’t do it on purpose as she hadn’t deserved my snappy reply, but I simply couldn’t help myself. My sharp tongue had been the reason behind many fights and arguments in the past, and it wasn’t likely to ever change. The pale faced thirteen-year-old didn’t look taken aback by my natural instinct of building a wall around me, for she smiled before sitting down next to me. We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while. I didn’t know Katherine very well, to be honest I didn’t even remember the names of half of them. Not because I refused to remember just to be rebellious, I just couldn’t be bothered. Katherine, however, I did remember. The rather normal looking girl sitting next to me was highly convinced that she was, infact, a psychic. Sophie told me that she had predicted the car crash her parents had died in. I had laughed when she had told me this as I was not one to believe in fairytails.  Fantasy was useless and depressing. Why pollute your brains and logic with impossibilities? No, I did not believe in fairytails.

‘Ghost, then? Do you believe in them?’ Sophie had asked me on our way to school a long while again.

‘You’ve got to be kidding me?’ I had rolled my eyes. ‘When you die, you are dead. Nothing else. Ghosts are something we, humans, made up just to feel better about the fact that we can’t bring the ones we have lost back from the death. They aren’t real.’

‘Demons? Witches? Wizards? Elfs? Aliens?’ She had continued to interrogate me.

‘Oh god, no! Bullshit, all of it! Figures of our twisted imagination! There’s a logical explanation for everything!’

‘But, God? You must surely believe in God!’ I had sent her an angry glare and she had, reluctantly, dropped the subject.

Truth be told, I used to believe in God. I used to say my prayers every night before going to bed, thank the lord for all I was blessed to have. I did not stop believing because I had never seen him, because that would have been ridiculous. I stopped believing because he had never once shown me any kind of affection, help, guidance. ”God works in mysterious ways” had I been told many times. His ways might be mysterious, but I wasn’t planning on waiting for the mysteries to solve themself.

I had almost completely forget Katherine’s presence, until she coughed softly and tenderly as an indication that she was still there. By the look on her face I could see that I had missed what she had just told me.

‘Sorry, what?’ I asked as I bit my lower lip out of boredom.

‘I am worried about you, Emily.’ She stated, her voice clear and steady. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Had I heard that correctly?

‘You’re what?’

‘I am worried about you. There’s so much going on, how can you cope knowing he’s in danger?’ I raised my other eyebrow as well.

‘What are you on about?’

‘The sharpshooter needs you Emily, the black haired god has got him.’ I shot her another confused and slightly irritated look but before I could react, we were called to dinner.

I sensed something was wrong the immediate second I came barging into the training room two minutes to late. He had his broad back turned to me and was leaning on the table in front of him, his hands gripping it tightly. His shoulders were tense and he appeared to be too deep in thought to notice me entering.

‘Hawkeye?’ I called out but an empty silence was all I got in reply. ‘Hawkeye?’ I asked again as I took a few steps towards the male who seemed to have been turned into stone. After trying again, a little louder this time, I began to grow slightly worried. Something I did not understand at all. I was not supposed to care for him and as far as I was concerned it wasn’t supposed to matter whether he was okay or not. Even though I kept telling myself that, I took another few steps forward until I was standing next to his tall frame. ‘Clint?’ I asked softly, not knowing why I was doing it, as I lifted one of my hands and put it on his upper arm. I felt his muscles contract as he jumped back to life. His head snapped up and he locked eyes with me. His eyes frightened me. I was staring right into two deep dark pools clouded with a feeling I could not quite lay my finger on.

‘Are you okay?’ I started to ask but I was caught off midsentence by a pair of lips vigorously colliding with mine. A strangled gasp of shock escaped my throat but it was barely heard. My mind was working overtime trying to get a grip on the situation, trying to make sense of his sudden actions but I came up with nothing. He made it difficult to focus, to think. When I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip, almost needingly asking for entrance, I gave up. I leaned into him, locking my hands in his short brown hair and kissed back just as forcefully. This wasn’t a normal kiss, it was a fight for dominance.

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