Chapter 8

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(A/N wow my writingstyle seems to get worse every chapter I’m so sorry. Maybe it’s the lack of inspiration or me wanting to get it over and done with. I’ll try better next time, promise, so sorry for sucking and thanks for not giving up on me :) )

After a whole lot of empty threats, angry sneers and harsh words, it turned out she was here for a reason. She had been in Stuttgart when Loki attacked. She had gone to visit the art exhibition. I sneered again. Of course she had. Always the bright and well educated Sophie. Such a wide range of interests. It made me sick.

‘I talked to him.’ She informed us quietly. ‘I even danced with him. He didn’t seem that bad.’ A bitter laugh escaped my throat and she raised her head to glare at me. Such hatred in her blue eyes. She had cared once. Long gone.

‘Not that bad?’ I repeated, the corners of my lips pulling up into another sarcastic sneer. ‘Do you have any idea how many people that monster has killed?’ She straightened her back, trying to show me she didn’t feel threatened by me in any way, shape or form. Pathetic.

‘Why am I getting the feeling that you are not being completely objective?’ Was that a smirk on her lips? ‘Just because your silly little crush got in the way…’ It felt like she had just punched me in the face, her smile not making it any better.

‘You don’t know anything!’ My voice grew louder. ‘This has nothing to do with you!’ Realising she had found the perfect soft spot, she continued.

‘Such a shame that he’s stuck with such a lousy apprentice…’ Before she knew what was coming, I had her pushed against the wall, my hands around her neck. Was she still smirking? I pulled my fist back, ready to wipe that stupid look off her face when I was roughly pulled back. They pushed me to the floor, knees hitting the floor hard. That was going to bruise later. My hands were forced behind my back, a knee shoved roughly between my shoulder blades, releasing a hiss of pain from my lips. I felt my blood boiling with rage but I couldn’t move a muscle. Their grip was too tight.

‘You can let go now.’ I spoke after a minute of complete silence. My voice sounded strange to my ears. Like it wasn’t even my own voice. Their grip on me slackened and I was released. I didn’t look at anyone as I massaged my wrists and popped my neck.

‘My office, Foster. Now.’ Fury spoke and with a deep sigh I followed him. I wasn’t proud of my outburst, I really wasn’t. I had never been good at controlling my anger. He sat down and ordered me to do the same.

‘What the hell was that?’ It was the first thing he said and it was the only thing to be said. Yet, I didn’t answer. He pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘I have had it with your behaviour, Foster. I don’t care what I promised your sister. I am kicking you out. You have two hours to pack your things and then I never want to see your face near here again. Have I made myself clear?’

‘Yes, sir.’ It was not like you wanted to be here in the first place, I tried to convince myself. You hated it here, you’re better of leaving. My positive thinking didn’t help. Yet I stood up and left his room, showing no sign of regret. Pride had always been one of my bigger problems. As was the fact that I was terrible with people. I had never been like my perfect sister. I had never fitted into their perfect little family. Born an outsider. That would never change.

I was out in an hour. I didn’t say goodbye to anyone, I had no one to say goodbye to. I tried to convince myself that it was better like this. But there was one thing that truly made me feel better, I could look for Clint. There were no rules left for me to follow, I was free to do what I want. And I was going to find him, even if it was the last thing I’d do.


I was falling back into my old habits faster than I’d imagined. My hands were stained red with those who got in my way. I was dangerous and manic. I was hurting. Hurting so badly. My heart was heavy with loneliness, something I was not used to feeling. I was used to being alone yet being lonely was new to me. I hated it. It was his fault. He had ruined me and there was no going back. I chewed on my lower lip anxiously, another thing I had picked up not too long ago.

It felt like I had been looking for him for ages but I hadn’t. Only a few days, according to my phone. Having no leads and constantly ending up with a dead end, I was close to giving up. Yet, I had to keep searching, I owed him that much. That was when my phone rang, something I wasn’t expecting in the slightest. What I was expecting even less was the person on the phone.

‘We’ve found him, Foster. He wants to see you.’ Natasha Romanoff? Calling to tell me he’s back? Highly unlikely.

‘You’re calling me because?’ I heard her sigh angrily on the other end of the phone.

‘Because that is what he wants. Take it or leave it. Your choice.’ She hung up. Well, I wasn’t leaving it, that’s for sure. Bag slung over my shoulder, hood up to hide my face and knife strapped to my belt (hidden by my shirt), I made my way back to where I came from. SHIELD headquarters.

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