Chapter 7

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It shocked me to see her again. How long had it been? 7 years?  More? She had changed so much but at the same time, she had hardly changed at all. Eyes, the same cold blue, judging me as I stepped closer with a scowl on my face. Hair, blonde as it had always been, falling to her shoulders in waves. Yet her face…Nothing like her old self, no matter how cold-hearted she used to be. She looked so much angrier but uncomfortable all the same. Eyes locked, mutual hatred filling the air in the room. How dare she show up here after all these years?  Then I saw him standing next to her. He was having a heated argument with Fury and neither of them had noticed my entrance.

‘Well, well, if it isn’t Sophie Stark. Why the hell are you here?’ I sneered as I stopped right in front of her. Fury and Stark stopped talking and looked over.

‘Why should I not be here?’ She said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. Her arrogance angered me to no end and I clenched my fists. ‘I see you haven’t changed.’ Her voice was airy and she smiled. A growl almost escaped my lips.

‘Why. Are. You. Here?’ I repeated.

‘Now, now. That’s not really any of your business, is it?’

‘You better get off your high horse-‘I started before I was rudely interrupted.

‘Or what Foster? Are you threatening me?’ The way she talked to me hadn’t changed either. I was sick and tired of her looking down on me, acting like she was better than me. She had always done this but I was not going to let her any longer. I was a grown woman for god’s sake! I was no longer that same scrawny ten year old.

A step closer, tension rising. ‘What if I am Stark? What are you going to do about it?’

An arm was stretched out, separating us, putting a stop to the fight that could have happened. It was Fury.

‘Both of you, back off.’ He ordered and I stepped back with a scowl.

‘Why is she here?’ My eyes travelled back to her dark-haired uncle. ‘Why is he here?’


8 years ago

‘I just don’t understand why you still go with him. He just throws you back in here again anyway.’ Yes, I was fully aware that I sounded like a snob but I didn’t care.

‘It’s not like that, Em.’ She answered with a sigh and I scowled.

‘Course, it’s not. “he loves you”, yeah I’ve heard that before.’ The blonde send an angry glare my way.

‘What are you trying to say with that?’ A cold laugh escaped my lips and I rested chin in my hands, and leaned forwards on my elbows.

‘What I’m “trying to say”’ I mimicked her tone of voice, ‘Is that he wouldn’t leave you here if he loved you. You’re just too disillusioned to see that. That’s why you’re lucky you have me as a friend, because I can tell you.’ Eyes were rolled and glares were given.

‘You’re so cynical, the world is not black and white, Emily.’ She stood up and looked at me like she was the smartest person on Earth. That look never failed to anger me. It made me feel dumb and inferior and I couldn’t stand it. ‘There are colours in-between. He loves me, yet he can’t let me stay with him yet. He’s too busy. He’s doing this for me mostly. He wants me to be happy and have people around me who have time for me.’ I snorted.

‘Yeah, right.’

‘Not everyone is built up out of hate. Some people are able to feel love for someone.’ I knew what her next words were going to be. ‘I wouldn’t expect you to understand.’ I rolled my eyes. She was at it again, trying to act like she was my superior.

‘Oh, of course. I never understand anything do I?’ I laughed coldly. ‘I am soooo stupid and you, you are just a fucking geeeenius! The world is not as good as you think it is, I repeat: you are disillusioned.’

‘Your parents care for you too, Emily.’ She had entered a path I did not want to enter.

‘What the fuck do you know?’ I pushed back my chair and left the room. The last thing I heard before the door closed was a soft sigh. She didn’t know what I had been trough. No one knew. Not that I was planning on explaining it to them. It was none of their fucking business, alright. I had seen the life leave someone’s eyes. I’d watched as they took their last breath. They wouldn’t understand. Even most here, yes, they were orphaned, but they had never seen someone die. Never seen violence, abuse, felt the pain. I had. I had heard people argue about how words didn’t hurt, heard them joke about it. No, they didn’t hurt. I had grown used to verbal abuse, it was nothing compared to the punches, kicks and bites. I had grown up around a group of violent children, all put together to fend for their own. Whoever thought that to be a good idea had been dead wrong. How can you except someone to get better when you don’t give them an opportunity to.

It’s not like I wanted to be like this. I wanted to be able to smile, joke around and have fun, like other kids of my age. But I couldn’t. The scars were to deep and would never heal. No… No one understood.

(sorry for the delay, let’s just say I’m a lazy little shit... I’ve just spent all my free time catching up with Homestuck. It’s awesome really. So, you can expect a lot of oneshots in the future because I ship a lot of pairings ghehhehe) 

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