Chapter 6

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(Hi guys! I just wanted to inform you about the stories I am planning on writing. I am planning on writing a Homestuck, Dave Strider one shot, maybe also a Davekat one shot and a lord of the flies story, I am also currently working on a Doctor who one shot, please let me know what you want me to post first ;)  Nice cliffy at the end ghehe, sorry not sorry.)

I was confused, confused being an understatement. Where was this coming from all of a sudden? Just a few days ago he had acted so different. I felt the warm tingle of his touch burning through my t-shirt as he pulled me closer. After a few seconds we pulled away, breathing heavily, lungs screaming for oxygen. Then we just stood there, staring at each other in complete silence, both trying to understand. I watched him as he moved his hands through his short hair, looking completely baffled, and I reached out to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

‘What was that?’ I spoke up after a while, still sounding out of breath.

‘I am not sure.’ He muttered, licking his lips unconsciously.

Strangely enough, that one kiss was all that was needed to stop us from fighting constantly. Don’t get me wrong, my priorities hadn’t changed and I was still looking for the gun, but somehow I liked his company even though I would never have admitted that to anyone. He seemed to quite like my company too, as he would smile at me and joke around. Our fellow agents hadn’t noticed a change in my behaviour, except maybe Director Fury. I started to gain his trust and he would send me out on solo missions more often. Gaining his trust was a good thing and I was hoping he would soon assign me a mission that brought me closer to achieving my goal. It took long for that day to come and I waited, and waited. Everything changed when they found him in the ice. Steve Rogers, Captain America.

All hell broke loose in Headquarters and it became even worse when they found a little, blue, alien cube with great but mostly unknown powers. The return of Captain America was stressful for all of us at SHIELD Headquarters. It was Director Fury’s idea to have him woke up thinking that he was still in his time, only to slowly break it to him what had really happened. The plan went haywire because of one stupid little mistake. The Captain found out something was wrong almost immediately and ran off. They caught up to him but it was all very dramatic. I wasn’t there, neither was Clint. We were assigned to watch the blue cube. It was a boring job but apparently necessary. Days passed without anything happening until the night everything went wrong.

It started out as any other night on, as I liked to call it, “cube watch”. Suddenly the science team started freaking out about something I didn’t understand. Something was wrong with the cube. They said it was “misbehaving” whatever they mend by that. Fury arrived and Clint was called down. I couldn’t hear their voices from where I was standing, but they looked worried.

‘Agent Foster, do you copy?’ Fury’s voice was heard through my walky-talky.

‘Yes, sir.’ I replied.

‘I want you out of here, return to Headquarters immediately.’              

‘Yes’ I grumbled, trying to hide the anger that was filling me up. ‘Sir.’ I cursed loudly before making my way down. I couldn’t question orders and had to obey them, and knowing that pissed me off big-time.  ‘Stupid Fury and his stupid orders.’ I growled.


‘What the fuck do you mean, “Agent Barton is missing”?!’ I shouted at the eye patch wearing man. My hands hit the desk with a loud “bang”.

‘I already explained to you what happened Agent Foster, now mind your tone!’ I glared at him, anger coursing through my veins.

‘Why isn’t anyone looking for him yet?!’ I hissed.

‘Agent Barton is not our priority right now, he knows that and so should you.’

‘Then what is?’ My hands clenched into fists as I stared straight at him.

‘The Avengers Initiative.’

‘The Avengers Initiative is bullshit!’

‘I suggest you stop this Agent Foster or I will have no choice but to lower you in rank.’ His tone was harsh even though he didn’t even raise his voice. Feeling powerless, I turned my back on him and left.  ‘Agent Romanoff has requested your absence from the Avengers.’ He told me before I closed the door. I turned around again and stamped towards his desk. He looked at me questioningly as I reached out and shoved everything on the desk to the floor.

‘Well you can tell her to suck it.’ I had never been good with anger but I had never been this angry before. I could feel it in every fibre of my body, suffocating me. I threw my door closed behind me and sank to the floor in defeat. I wouldn’t cry. I never cried.  Crying was for weaklings. I was not weak.

‘I’ll come and get you, Clint.’ I whispered to myself. ‘I promise.’


There are a lot of things I could have seen when I walked into the office the next day, and a lot of things I could have expected to see. But there was nothing that could have prepared me for this. 

Wherever I Go (Avengers fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя