Chapter 2

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I put my gun back in its holster and sighed, another one down but not a step closer to my goal. I stepped over the body without emotions. Emotions and feelings were the same, useless. I liked to think I had discarded of them a long time ago. My thoughts drifted back to my first kill. The moment I was cleansed of my last innocence. It felt like ages ago, but I remembered every single second of it. The last time I’d let a tear fall from my eyes. The last time I’d cared. That’s not true, my conscience reminded me. You cared. It’d been a mistake, caring hurt. Killed even.

I stopped in front of the wooden door and took a second to pull myself together before I aimed a kick at the door, making it fall to the ground, and drew my pistol in the same movement.

The empty room in front of me confused me, they were supposed to meet here, was the information I’d gathered incorrect? I took a step further into the room, letting my arm fall to my side. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind. On impulse, I swung around and put my gun to the person’s temple, but I was tired and whoever I was fighting was quicker. He, or she, aimed a swing at my legs and knocked me to the floor but I rolled over and pushed myself back to a standing position. I reached out to punch my attacker’s face, but my wrist was grabbed and I was spun around. I tried to kick but missed. I reached back and grabbed the person’s arm before digging my nails into his, or her, skin. A yelp was heard as well as a few cuss words. The voice was definitely male but before I could notice anything else about my attacker, I was hit against my head with something that looked like a bow and I swayed on the spot, desperately trying to stay conscious. Then I dropped to the floor, and everything went black.

10 years ago

‘Foster, your sister is here to see you.’ One of the supervisors barked at me. At first I decided to ignore her until her sharp voice called out again, ‘Foster! Now!’

‘I don’t have a sister.’ I countered angrily. She opened my door and grabbed the hem of my worn-down t-shirt.

‘I was not giving you an option.’ She pushed me into the visitors’ room and threw the door shut behind me. And there she was, she had her back to me and was staring out of the window, a dreamy expression on her face.

‘What do you want Jane?’ I snapped as I dropped down on one of the sofas in an aggressive manner. The girl in question turned around and smiled, not even paying attention to the bad mood I was obviously in.

‘I come with good news.’ I glared at her suspiciously.

‘What’re you on about?’

‘We’ve found you a fosterhome.’ I snorted. ‘A good one, sweetie, I promise.’ I’d heard that one many times before. ‘You’ll love them.’ Love was useless, pathetic. I voiced this and her smile dropped slightly. ‘This’ll be good for you, Em. You’re moving to Norway, see it as a new start for you. A clean ledger. Maybe you’ll even make friends with the other children.’ I thought that highly unlikely. ‘At least try. For me.’

I opened my eyes and started at the, for me unfamiliar, surroundings. Where had they taken me? I struggled against the iron binds which kept my arms firmly against the chair and cursed loudly when they didn’t give in. A door opened and my head snapped up.

‘Oh good, you’re awake.’ A dark-skinned man with an eye patch entered the room and looked down at me. I hated it when people looked down at me like they were more important than I was.  

‘Who’re you?’ I asked bluntly.

‘Nick Fury. Nick Fury of Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division.’ I cursed, S.H.I.E.L.D. was after me.

‘Isn’t it against the rules to tie someone up against their will?’ I snapped as I struggled to get loose.

‘Well, you aren’t exactly known for “obeying the rules” so why would we when we are dealing with you?’ I glared at him. ‘However, we don’t intend to do you any harm.’

‘If you don’t intend to do me any harm, remove these stupid things!’

‘I’m afraid we can’t do that, we know what you’re capable off.’ I scowled but before I could retort, the door opened once again. My jaw dropped as I took in the woman’s light brown hair and gasped in recognition. I felt betrayed to say the least, but I quickly pushed all my emotions down. Emotions were not something you were supposed to show to others, they were a sign of weakness.

‘Ah Jane, my lovely sister,’ I spat venomously, ‘How nice of you to join us.’ She cringed, a guilty expression spreading on her face.

‘I’m doing this for you, Em.’ She said softly. I snorted sarcastically.

‘Yeah? Somehow I’m having problems believing that! One of the reasons might be that I am held hostage!’ She cringed once again.

‘Y-you don’t understand.’ She raised her head so she could look at me. ‘They are not going to hurt you, Em.’

‘Stop calling me “Em”!’ I barked but she ignored my outburst. She sighed and the nice look in her eyes disappeared for a second.

‘Look Emily, I’m tired of sticking up for you!’ She stopped to breathe. ‘You’re my sister and I love you but what you’re doing is not good for you. You’re slowly killing your humanity. SHIELD can help you.’

‘Or else?’ She didn’t answer and dropped her gaze. The answer was clear, they would have to get rid of me. Dying or losing my pride, I preferred to live. And I knew one thing; SHIELD would lead me to that gun. It truly was my last chance. ‘Fine.’ I heard myself say. ‘I’ll be the soldier you want me to be.’ 

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