Chapter 4

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(A/N ‘I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!’ I know Fury, I know. I’m not that fond of Nagini either, I like how this suddenly turned for the better. Oh and I need a few new characters, if you’re interested please tell me and I’ll give you some details.

Dedicated to Sarahdb11 coz Soph is her character. Dafuq just happened? Did I really just call her Soph?! SORRY SARAH DON’T KILL ME. Lol just kidding you could never harm me ghehehehehe.

Is it just me or am I unable to write a normal author's note nowadays? Why can't I do things like normal people?  oh yeah... that's right. tumblr.)


10 years ago

‘It’s for your own good, Em.’ My fifteen year old self strongly disagreed with my sister’s statement and I took a step back when she tried to give me a hug. I did see the hurt look on her face but I just didn’t care in the slightest. She had made her choice and she had chosen to abandon me. I no longer had any reason to be kind to her. No longer having any reason to stay, she left, leaving me alone with my new “family”.

‘I’m sure you’ll fit right in, sweetie.’ I just stared at the lady, my face void of any emotions. She led me through the house towards the backyard were several children were playing in the grass. Some were older than I was, some even younger. I counted a total of five children. That would make me the sixth, that strange new kid who didn’t fit in. The lady introduced me to the rest but their names were of no importance to me. They would kick me out before I even took the time to learn them, I was sure of that.

‘Where’s Sophie?’ I heard her ask the others who all just shrugged or told her they didn’t know. I looked up at her, she seemed distressed, like something was bothering her.  Her worried eyes lit up when they spotted the figure of a blonde haired girl in the back of the garden. ‘Sophie, dear, come and say hello.’ Sophie, however, didn’t seem to like that idea. She reluctantly pushed herself into a standing position before making her way over to us, making sure she dragged her feet and made herself look as uncaring as physically possible. ‘Sophie, meet Emily. I’m sure the two of you will get along just fine.’ We didn’t listen to her, we were too busy staring each other down. ‘You’re a lot alike you know.’ This did get our attention as both our heads snapped up to send her an angry glare.

Before we even knew what was going on, Sophie was made into a tour guide and I had to follow her as she gave me a tour of the house.

‘Just to get this straight,’ I started venomously as soon as we were out of earshot, ‘I don’t like people like you. You only pity yourself, I’ve seen it by looking at your actions.’ She glared at me.

‘Who exactly do you think you are?’ She snapped. ‘You come waltzing in here, acting like you own the place! What do expect us to do? Lie down on the floor and let you walk over us?’ I snorted and shook my head in amusement.

‘You don’t want to challenge me.’

‘Oh, yeah? Try me.’

After that we, surprisingly, became good friends. Our competitive behaviour towards each other caused me to open up to other people as well. Our foster mother would refer to us as Yin and Yang, complete opposites like negative and positive poles but we complemented each other all the same. It was a strange friendship, not really based on friendship itself at all, but it truly was good for me. I was actually happy, or at least, as happy as I could be.

It felt strange to say but in some way, I was actually jealous of her. I always acted like I didn’t care for anything, not my family, nothing. But it was needless to say that that was not true. People visited Sophie. A man came for her every now and then, taking her to museums, parks, and art galleries. She loved everything her uncle took her to, but too be honest I thought she just liked being with her uncle.

Her uncle was a millionaire called Tony Stark. I didn’t like him, I might’ve even gone as far as to say I despised him. He made weapons of mass destruction. Kennedy had had one of Stark Industry’s guns. I had never told this to Sophie, and I wasn’t planning on doing so either. My past was my burden, and mine alone.

When he wasn’t there, I actually enjoyed my time in Norway. That was until they came to retrieve her. I had just turned eighteen and had just finished school, then her uncle came with the “good” news. He had paid for her to go to college in England and she was ecstatic. It was all she’d ever wanted. She left a few months later, leaving me all on my own once again. Leaving me in the same state I had been in when I first came to live in Norway three years ago. I couldn’t get myself to feel happy for her, the amount of self-pity I had was greater than the need to be there for my friend. I never heard from her after she left.

‘You call that fighting Foster?’ The Hawk taunted with a devilish grin on his handsome face. ‘Come on! You ought to do better than that!’ I gritted my teeth in anger. How dared he talk me to me like I was a speck of dirt? I aimed a kick at his face but due to my state of fatigue, he was able to take hold of my foot before it hit him and he twisted it making me drop to the floor. I cursed loudly before glaring up at him. I wanted to wipe that smug smile right of his face so desperately. He held out his hand to me, as to help me up, but I slapped it away angrily. I didn’t need or want his help. ‘Shall we call it a day?’ He suggested as he leaned back against the wall. ‘It looks like you won’t be able to achieve anything today.’

I paid him no further attention as I marched out of the room, fuming with anger. I would show him and then I finally had the opportunity to wipe that smug smile of his face. 

Wherever I Go (Avengers fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora